COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force - Cloned

Submitted by yuukan on Thu, 08/30/2018 - 17:53

About the Task Force

Mayor London N. Breed and Board of Supervisors President Norman Yee created the COVID-19 Economic Recovery Task Force. The Task Force is co-chaired by San Francisco Assessor-Recorder Carmen Chu; San Francisco Treasurer José Cisneros; Rodney Fong, President and CEO of the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce; and Rudy Gonzalez, Executive Director of the San Francisco Labor Council.

The Task Force is charged with guiding the City’s efforts to sustain and recover local businesses and employment, and mitigate the economic hardships fueled by the COVID-19 crisis that are already affecting the most vulnerable San Franciscans.

Economic Recovery Policy Areas

The Task Force will be organized around the following economic recovery policy areas:

  • Jobs and Business Support: How can we ensure existing small and medium sized businesses across San Francisco survive, adapt, and thrive? What do San Franciscans need to (re)enter workforce?
  • Vulnerable Populations: How can we ensure our most vulnerable residents' needs are met?  How do we make it easier for a growing number of people to access and receive the support they need through the recovery?
  • Economic Development: How can we make it easier to start a new business and rebuild our commercial corridors?  How can we promote the growth of our city while protecting existing communities?

For more information about the Task Force membership please see (insert link when ready).

For information about upcoming meetings, please see (insert link when ready).

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