ClimateSF is a collection of unified city principles, planning efforts, and capital funding that enhance climate resilience and seeks to maximize the efficacy, efficiency, and community benefits of needed public investments in these areas. ClimateSF promotes an equitable, safe, and healthy city for generations to come, and ensures good governance and public engagement along the way.

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ClimateSF Vision

Make San Francisco resilient to immediate and long-term threats of climate change and natural hazards through actions to mitigate risk, adapt built and natural assets, and build a more equitable and sustainable city.

Ensure systems are in place so that individuals, communities, institutions, and businesses survive, adapt, and thrive no matter the kinds of chronic stresses and acute shocks they experience.

Coordinate and support the City’s Climate Action Plan, which outlines urgent strategies needed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and minimize the severity of climate change and its associated impacts.

The Intersection of Climate Adaptation, Mitigation, and Resilience

Building a climate-resilient San Francisco requires us to both safeguard against current and future environmental hazards as well as eliminate and sequester harmful emissions. We need to adapt the way we build to address hazards such as sea level rise, extreme heat, wild fires and water scarcity. We need to mitigate the harmful human-made impacts to the environment through solutions such as renewable energy, zero emission mobility, affordable and healthy housing, and responsible consumption. A truly resilient San Francisco connects people with buildings, infrastructure and nature, all in one harmonious ecosystem, resulting in healthy, equitable communities.

Climate Venn Diagram

ClimateSF: Programs and Plans

ClimateSF brings together key City agencies whose services could be critically impacted by climate change. These agencies are taking collective action through planning, policy, and guidance, championing a coordinated vision on climate resilience that streamlines City responses and promotes an equitable, safe, and healthy city for generations to come. The following programs and plans are representative of this coordinated effort.

Additional Resources

The following is a list of other significant City programs and plans also responding to, and impacted by, climate change.

The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning: Capital Plan

The City’s 2022-31 Capital Plan, published by The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning, captures a decade of infrastructure, construction, and maintenance and includes funding for climate-resilient infrastructure. Read more

Heat and Air Quality Resilience Project

The Heat and Air Quality Resilience Project (HAQR), a project of ClimateSF,  is a cross-sectoral initiative involving all the public, private, community, and academic stakeholders to identify, plan, and implement medium-to-long term extreme heat and wildfire smoke resilience strategies. Read more

Safety and Resilience Element

San Francisco Planning’s Safety and Resilience Element update will provide a comprehensive set of policies for minimizing San Francisco’s contribution to the climate crisis and ensuring local resilience to multiple hazards. Read more

Sea Level Rise Guidance

The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning has established a projected zone of vulnerability to inundation that could result in Sea Level Rise (SLR) plus a 100-year storm by 2100. Departments responsible for proposed projects within this zone will need to address adaptive capacity by completing an SLR checklist. Read more

Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Consequences Assessment

San Francisco Planning’s Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Consequences Assessment describes the vulnerability of public buildings and infrastructure to SLR and coastal flooding as well as the consequences on people, the economy, and the environment. Read more

Our Core and Partner Agencies

ClimateSF is led by the Mayor’s Office, Office of Resilience and Capital Planning (ORCP), Planning Department (Planning), Department of the Environment (SFE), Port of San Francisco (Port), and Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). In addition to these core agencies, it includes key partner agencies like the Municipal Transportation Authority (SFMTA), Department of Public Health (DPH), and Public Works, whose services both help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and could be critically impacted by climate hazards.


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