The overall renewal needs for the City’s Recreation, Culture, and Education facilities total $792 million over the next 10 years. Given funding constraints, the Plan allocates nearly $310 million from the General Fund to meet these needs, as shown in Chart 11.1.

Priority parks renewal needs include pathway improvements, court resurfacing, and playfield and playground repairs. It is expected that the proposed 2020 Parks and Open Space G.O. Bond will include a program to address priority deferred maintenance needs in the Recreation and Parks portfolio.
The Arts Commission recently completed a needs assessment for the Civic Art Collection. Roofing and masonry projects at the Legion of Honor and the Opera House also represent significant needs. Mechanical and electrical components in the Steinhart Aquarium require replacement at the Academy of Sciences.
Not included in the renewal curve shown here are the needs for CCSF and SFUSD. CCSF’s facilities data show a capital renewal need of $524 million and a deferred maintenance backlog of $18 million. Planned CCSF renewal projects include utility infrastructure replacement, boiler and roof repairs, and district-wide asphalt, concrete, and painting projects. SFUSD has a five-year plan to estimate deferred maintenance needs. With less state funding available for deferred maintenance, such projects are being funded through G.O. bonds. Needs that must be addressed before bond proceeds become available include repairs to roofing, boilers, HVAC and electrical systems, fire alarms and suppression systems, plumbing, and aging modular building replacement. Funding sources for SFUSD deferred maintenance are expected to remain limited for the duration of this Capital Plan.