The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning conducts a seismic analysis of high-priority City-owned buildings. The analysis utilizes a tool developed by FEMA called ‘Hazards-United States’ (HAZUS) that predicts damages and losses to buildings in the event of a major earthquake.
HAZUS provides information on how buildings perform in specific earthquake scenarios, including the extent of structural and non-structural damage, expected injuries, and economic impact. The results of HAZUS are meant to be viewed as a relative risk review, not a detailed engineering study of specific buildings. The relative risk analysis is important for prioritizing capital projects, as well as to receive post-disaster funds from FEMA and assist in disaster mitigation planning. The City has conducted four rounds of analysis, the latest providing information on 238 City buildings. Please see below for our most current HAZUS analysis.
HAZUS Presentation to the Capital Planning Committee (2017)
HAZUS Results Summary (2013)
CCSF HAZUS Report (February 2012)