San Francisco is responding to the COVID-19 emergency. See our link below to the Economic Recovery Task Force and learn more about the city's
COVID-19 response

San Francisco view
First Icon name
Capital Plan
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Major infrastructure projects in the next 10 years
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Covid 19
Second Icon Name
COVID-19 Recovery
Second Icon Description
Economic Recovery Task Force
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Earth shaking icon
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Earthquake Safety
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Strengthening our city for the next big one
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Map of Projects in San Francisco
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Mapping Our Projects
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View all the City's capital projects in one place and see how they'll shape the City over time.
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Explore the Maps
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About Content

About the Office of Resilience and Capital Planning

The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning promotes the preservation and sustainability of San Francisco's public capital assets and the city's overall resilience to acute shocks and chronic stresses.

Part of the Office of the City Administrator, the Office of Resilience and Capital Planning oversees policies, programs, interagency initiatives, and financial strategies that support the resilience of the City's infrastructure and the people who rely on it.

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Three people
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Who We Are

Meet the City's Chief Resilience Officer and the rest of the ORCP staff. Learn More

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