Signage and Style Guide

On this page you can download templates for City construction signage as well as guidelines for their production and one color logos of most City client departments. The design templates include the City seal and ONESF tagline and have been designed for easy application to each project. The ONESF logo, tagline, and design templates identify the projects and shared citywide goals of the City’s ten-year Capital Plan and should appear on all City street, sewer, site, and building construction signs.

The ONESF logo reflects the shared citywide goals of infrastructure improvement ("We are all ONESF"), the unique nature of San Francisco ("There’s only ONESF"), and a color scheme evocative of our great City by the Bay.

To establish and maintain the ONESF identity it is important that it appear consistent across all signage. Therefore, it is critical never to alter the embedded logo, logotype, or locked portions of the enclosed design templates. This includes adding or deleting elements, using unauthorized colors, adding additional logos, or otherwise altering the text or layout of the sign outside of specifically designated areas as described in the templates.

Illustrator Template files (zipped)

Small, No Picture: CS1-ONESF_4x6Template_CityStreetConst-1.4
Small, One Picture: CS1-ONESF_4x6Template_SiteBldgConstSign-1.4
Large, Multi-Picture: CS1-ONESF_4x8Template_SiteBldgConstSign-1.8

Please contact if you need assistance.

For reference, the style guides below describe the layout, spacing, and fonts.
ONESF 4×6 Guide Street Construction Sign version 1.4
ONESF 4×8 Guide Site and Building Construction Sign version 1.5

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