This chapter includes agencies and plans that focus on areas of new development, and as a result not all entities and projects have significant renewal programs. Yerba Buena Gardens renewals are addressed in the General Government Service Area.

Port of San Francisco
Consistent with the Port Commission’s commitment to investing in renewal of Port resources, the Port typically allocates at least 25% of its annual budget to its capital program. Due to the recent award of $117 million in stimulus to offset the negative economic impacts of COVID-19, the Port’s capital investment in the recently approved FY22-23 and FY23-24 budgets far exceeds that goal. In the long term, after the stimulus is spent and the long-term effects of COVID have waned, the Port will resume its practice of a 25% investment in capital.
The Port’s capital program maintains existing resources and, when possible, makes vacant properties fit for leasing to increase the Port's revenue-generating capacity. A substantial portion of the Port’s facility renewal budget supports pier structure repairs to ensure the continued safe operation of pier superstructures and buildings, the preservation of lease revenues, and the extension of the economic life of the Port's pier and marginal wharf assets.
The Port’s renewal program includes maintenance dredging, which ensures the proper depth of berths at the Port’s piers so that they remain suitable for water traffic. Maintenance dredging is necessary to keep the Port's berths and channels at navigable depths, including sites where the Port has contractual obligations with shipping lines and operators.
The one-time cost category primarily captures non-cyclical improvements, typically driven by changes in code requirements. Such work includes relocating under-pier utilities above the pier, as well as remediating structures at Pier 70. For many of these structures, partial rehabilitation is not a viable option and any rehabilitation will trigger substantial seismic work. As a result, the Capital Plan reflects these facilities as one-time costs for rehabilitation or demolition until they are fully improved and a capital maintenance cycle commences.
The Engineering Division regularly conducts inspections of all Port facilities and categorizes the condition of more than 350 of the Port’s structures, including piers, wharves, and buildings. In addition to staff inspections, the Port performs a consultant-supported condition assessment of select Port facilities. The condition assessments gathered data on pier substructure, building structural systems, building envelope, utilities, and egress and accessibility. This assessment process provides staff with critical inputs to help define the full scope and cost of each assessed facility into a state of good repair. The Port performs these assessments every other year.
TIDA - Torpedo House
The existing historic Torpedo Storehouse, Torpedo (Mine) Assembly Building, and Long-Range Accuracy Storage Building, known as the Torpedo House, is owned by TIDA and sits at the far eastern edge of Yerba Buena Island beneath the I-80 San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. As part of the environmental mitigations for the Southgate Road Improvements project, the SFCTA is soliciting a consultant team to prepare an update to the 2006 Historic Structures Report, and prepare improvement plans to preserve this historic structure. Improvements include a new roof and windows and will be complete in 2023.
TIDA - Chapel
The existing Chapel that is owned by TIDA underwent structural improvements of the steeple and received a new roof in advance of beginning construction of the park that will surround the structure. In 2023, the master developer TICD will continue improvements on the Chapel including exterior paint, new ADA entry, new ADA-compliant restrooms, and interior upgrades. Construction of the surrounding park is also scheduled to begin in 2023.