Project Name | Description |
DPH – ZSFG Building 80/90 Renovation & Seismic Retrofit |
Constructed in 1934, Building 80/90 is a seismically deficient red brick building at the ZSFG campus that houses the urgent care clinic and several other clinics. These clinics will move to Building 5 to make room for a major seismic renovation of this structure. The total project cost is estimated to be $150 million and is planned for the 2023 Public Health G.O. Bond, pending voter approval. |
DPH – Chinatown and Silver Avenue Health Clinic Renovation and Infrastructure Improvements |
These projects address major renovations needed at Chinatown and Silver Avenue Health Centers. These projects will support the integration of primary care with behavioral health care, foster a collaborative team based care model, and enable improved workflow. In addition to these renovations, the projects also include infrastructure improvements such as modernization of outdated equipment, upgrades and retrofits of building automation systems, and repairs to HVAC controls. The project budget is estimated at $20 million per clinic, to be funded by the 2023 Public Health G.O. Bond, pending voter approval. |
DPH – UCSF Research Facility at the ZSFG Campus |
The University of California at San Francisco (UCSF) plans to build a contemporary research facility at the ZSFG campus. The facility will be five stories high, with an area of approximately 175,000 square feet, and provide space for 800 researchers and technical staff. The estimated project cost is $200 million and will be funded by UCSF. The City is required to offset costs for planning, legal, and real estate services, which will be funded by the General Fund. |
HSH / DPH / MOHCD – 1064-1068 Mission Street Project |
MOHCD is financing a permanent supportive housing development for people who have experienced homelessness at 1064-68 Mission Street. This project will provide space for a Homeless Services Center, to be co-operated by DPH and HSH. This Center will include the relocated Tom Waddell Urgent Care Clinic, DPH’s street medicine program, and the San Francisco Homeless Outreach Team (SF HOT), as well as dental services. The City must relocate the urgent care clinic located at 101 Grove Street due to seismic safety conditions. This site will enable HSH in partnership with Public Health to improve the coordination of care and delivery of services to chronically homeless persons living on the street. The Homeless Services Center, comprising nearly 21,000 square feet on two floors, is estimated to cost approximately $14 million. Five million dollars from the 2016 G.O. Public Health and Safety Bond is allocated for tenant improvements at the new location to create a centralized deployment facility and client access point for SFHOT. An additional $5 million will come from the FY2019 DPH 101 Grove Exit Certificates of Participation, and the balance of cost for the Health Services Center is expected to come from the General Fund. Construction is expected to start in 2020. |
HSH – Shelter Rehabilitation |
HSH oversees three City-owned shelters that serve people experiencing homeless. This shelter rehabilitation project will provide much-needed health and safety system repairs and other improvements to keep the shelters fully functional. HSH has engaged Public Works to complete a facilities condition assessment for each of the three shelters, which will help determine project details. This project will receive approximately $7 million from the 2016 Public Health and Safety Bond, but additional sources will likely be required. The bond funding is expected to provide a source for the most essential enhancements and renewals at these facilities. |
SFHA – Disposition Projects |
The Housing Authority is an important partner in the HOPE SF projects described in the Economic and Neighborhood Development chapter as those projects are transformative in nature. SFHA is also working on dispositions of other properties, including the non-dwelling administrative offices 440 Turk Street, as well as scattered sites. Feasibility studies for seven scattered site properties containing 70 SFHA public housing units have been prepared. The Housing Authority is committed to protecting the rights of the current residents in these units and meeting all requirements pursuant to HUD’s public housing regulations. To better support low-income residents in San Francisco, SFHA plans to convert the sites to Project-Based Vouchers, then transfer ownership and management to a non-profit developer entity. The increased rent subsidies from the vouchers will enable the private owners to secure the additional resources needed to complete full rehabilitations of the sites. A combination of this financing with a public land trust in the form of a long-term ground lease and local developers is a public-private partnership consistent with the Authority’s re-envisioning. This structure ensures long-term affordability and oversight through the lend-lease structure, access to new funds not available to SFHA, and improved housing conditions. |
SFHA – Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) Program |
Conversion of 3,480 public housing units to Project Based Vouchers (PBV) under RAD is addressing critical immediate and long term rehabilitation needs and preserving affordability for very low income residents by increasing revenue and by attracting new capital. In addition to RAD, the financing strategy as contemplated by the Plan relies upon HUD’s Section 18 Disposition/Demolition program which has permitted the Authority to obtain additional Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 vouchers to supplement the RAD program. All 28 RAD projects utilize private debt, equity generated by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program, and soft debt from the Authority and the City and County of San Francisco. This approach has resulted in a $2 billion conversion project and generated $700 million in construction and rehabilitation work that benefits the tenants of Authority sites while preserving existing affordability. |