Infrastructure + Streets

Streets and Rights-of-Way
- Street resurfacing: Repaved and maintained 918 street blocks, maintaining the City's Pavement Condition Index at 74 for 2021.
- Curb ramps: Constructed 2,104 curb ramps.
- Street structures: Inspected 188 and repaired 70 street structures.
- Street tree planting and establishment: Inspected 53,949 trees and maintained 22,500 trees.
- Sidewalk improvement and repair: Inspected the sidewalk condition of 60 blocks and repaired more than 93,235 square feet of sidewalks.
Public Utilities Commission
- Opened new Southeast Community Center as a cultural center for the city’s southeast communities. This facility features workplaces, community rooms, and other open space amenities is a community hub with programing and social services.
- Completed five Regional Water System projects.
- Completed Alameda Creek Diversion Dam Fish Passage Facility.
- Completed construction of the East Bay Regional Park District Water System.
- Completed the San Andreas Pipeline No. 2 Replacement project.
- Completed approximately 88% of construction of the San Francisco Westside Recycled Water Project.
- Completed construction of several groundwater wells and treatment facilities.
- Replaced 13 miles of water mains in San Francisco.
- Continued progress towards completion of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), now about 52% complete overall.
- Continued construction of the New Headworks Replacement Project with completion of Scope 1 and 2.
- Continued construction of the new Biosolids Facility Project with completion of Scope 1 for demolition and utility relocation.
- Completed the first of five annual Hetch Hetchy system shutdowns for construction of the Mountain Tunnel Improvements Project.
- Completed Access Improvements at O’Shaughnessy Dam.
- Completed approximately 25 metered Wholesale Distribution Tariff (WDT) interconnections.
- Completed the installation of four solar electric projects.
- Completed maintenance and repairs of the substations serving the San Francisco Airport.
- Completed the substructure installation of all conduits and vaults running along Bay Corridor Transmission Distribution area.
- Negotiated limited Settlement on Service to Affordable Housing projects.
- Launched the CleanPowerSF Heat Pump Water Heater incentive program.
- Began enrolling customers into the CleanPowerSF SuperGreen Saver program.
- Developed and launched the Solar Inverter Replacement Program.