New Capital Plan available online

June 27, 2019

The Fiscal Year 2020-2029 City and County of San Francisco Capital Plan is now available on our website as approved unanimously at the Board of Supervisors on April 30, 2019. The HTML format makes it easier than ever to navigate, and we hope that it will serve as a useful reference tool. If you have used our website to view previous versions of the Plan, you may need to clear your browser’s cache in order to see the new Capital Plan.

You can view the Plan here:

For any technical difficulties please contact Hemiar Alburati (



Why is the Hazards and Climate Resilience (HCR) Plan necessary?

It is critical to reduce the health, economic, and environmental risks that San Francisco communities face from natural hazards and climate change impacts before they occur. As San Francisco’s FEMA-approved Local Hazard Mitigation Plan, the HCR makes San Francisco eligible for federal hazard and flood mitigation grant funding before and after a Presidentially-declared disaster. FEMA requires the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan be updated every five years. In addition, the HCR fulfills State requirements to undertake climate adaptation planning per Senate Bill (SB) 379.  


When was the HCR adopted and approved?

The HCR was adopted as San Francisco's 2020 Local Hazard Mitigation Plan by the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on June 16, 2020 and approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on July 21, 2020.


How was the HCR developed?

The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning (ORCP) led the HCR drafting and development process, which lasted from June 2018 through June 2020 when the Plan was adopted. Work was guided by a Steering Committee with 5 core departments. In addition, ORCP led engagement with over 25 City agencies through the Planning Team, comprised of staff with expertise in hazards, asset management, and mitigation and adaptation capabilities.

Community engagement included five thematic workshops with leaders of community-based organizations, non-governmental organizations, and other groups that serve the San Francisco community, especially vulnerable populations. A public survey was distributed during the stakeholder workshops and available online from July 2019 to September 2019. The survey had nearly 600 responses. For more information, please see this summary of the community engagement process and findings.


What are the City’s next steps?

The City is working to advance implementation of the strategies through various projects, planning efforts, and policy making. As required by FEMA, the Office of Resilience and Capital Planning will maintain and evaluate implementation of the HCR on an annual basis. This involves assessing any new hazard events in San Francisco, changes to risks or vulnerabilities, progress towards implementing the existing strategies, and any new strategies needed.


How does the HCR relate to the Safety & Resilience Element of the General Plan?

The HCR serves as the implementation roadmap for the hazard mitigation and climate adaptation policies of the Safety & Resilience Element. State law (SB 379) requires that when the Hazard Mitigation Plan is updated, the Safety & Resilience Element is also updated for consistency. The HCR and Safety & Resilience Element are currently linked by reference. The General Plan can be found here.  In 2022, the Planning Department conducted a more in-depth update to the Safety & Resilience Element to ensure the policies align with HCR goals and strategies. More information is available here.


How does the HCR relate to the Climate Action Plan?

The HCR supports and coordinates with the San Francisco Climate Action Plan, which charts a pathway to achieve net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 and works toward addressing racial and social equity, public health, economic recovery, resilience, and providing safe and affordable housing to all.  Reducing global GHG emissions is crucial to avoiding the most severe climate disruptions. Strategies in the HCR help San Francisco adapt to climate change impacts we are already experiencing and future impacts that are unavoidable due to historic and future global GHG emissions. At the same time, HCR strategies were evaluated for their contribution towards eliminating GHG emissions.


Is the HCR San Francisco’s first plan addressing these issues?

No, the Hazards and Climate Resilience Plan is serving as an update to the 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and will underpin the City’s next Climate Action Plan and General Plan Safety & Resilience Element update. However, the HCR was the first time that the City created a combined hazard mitigation and climate adaptation plan.


What types of actions is the City and County of San Francisco taking to address hazards and climate resilience?

Here are some examples of things that numerous departments are doing to create a more resilient city:
•    Strengthening the Embarcadero Seawall for seismic and flooding risks, and sea level rise caused by climate change
•    Partnering with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on a study to better understand flood risk along 7.5 miles of the Eastern shoreline
•    Assessing citywide public infrastructure vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding, and potential consequences for people, the economy, and the environment
•    Developing strategies for addressing flooding around Islais Creek, which experiences combined coastal and overland flooding today
•    Implementing anti-erosion projects to protect critical infrastructure at Ocean Beach
•    Requiring new waterfront developments to build sea level rise adaptation into their plans and help fund adaptation efforts
•    The Department of Public Health and the Department of Emergency Management are working to operationalize the objectives of Executive Directive 18-04: Improving San Francisco’s Response to Future Air Quality Incidents.
•    Providing services, information, and research through the Department of Public Health’s Climate and Health Program.


01. Hazards and Key Planning Issues

01. Hazards and Key Planning Issues

Embarcadero High Tide

Understanding Hazards and Climate Resilience in our Region

California communities have historically been seriously impacted by seismic hazards, such as earthquakes and landslides and, more recently, by climate hazards that will become more severe in coming decades. More recently, regional droughts and wildfires have resulted in San Francisco air quality and extreme heat emergencies that illustrate the types of impacts this Plan and our community must address.

Examples of natural hazards that already have or will affect San Francisco include:

Biological & Toxic




Dam or
reservoir failure


High Wind

Extreme Heat


Large Urban Fire


Poor Air Quality


Hazardous Materials


A Storymap of the hazards found in the HCR is available here.


Key Planning Issues

The Draft Plan includes the following Key Planning Issues, which are complex challenges requiring the attention and coordination of multiple agencies and stakeholders to address:

  • The Waterfront and Adjacent Neighborhoods
  • New Development
  • Existing Buildings
  • Housing
  • Public Awareness and Communications
  • Transportation
  • Utilities



02. Get Involved

02. Get Involved

Pedestrians crossing the street

Help Shape Our Plan!

While natural hazards may impact us all, they have a greater impact on disadvantaged communities and vulnerable community members. Community feedback is critical to help ensure the HCR Plan prioritizes mitigation and recovery actions with multiple benefits (including increasing racial and social equity and environmental justice) and includes creative and community-supported solutions.

If you live, work, or play in San Francisco, you can help shape the HCR Plan by:

FY 2020-2029 San Francisco Capital Plan Approved

April 30, 2019

The Office of Resilience and Capital Planning (ORCP) is pleased to announce that Mayor London Breed and the Board of Supervisors’ adopted the Fiscal Year 2020-2029 City and County of San Francisco Capital Plan on April 30, 2019.

The Plan recommends a record $39 billion for capital projects over the next decade that will improve San Francisco’s resilience, through critical seismic repairs and strengthening; transportation and utility system improvements; safer streets for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers; and more affordable housing.

ORCP is grateful to the many City and partner agency staff who worked hard to identify upcoming capital needs and related funding sources. The collaborative planning represented in this document will enable San Francisco to make smart, fiscally responsible decisions as we build and strengthen our city.

ORCP staff is working with our designer to finish the publication documents. The Plan will be available in full on this site in .html and .PDF. Please check back soon.

New Fire Station No. 5

May 8, 2019

The new Fire Station No. 5 located in the Western Addition is a seismic replacement project funded by the Earthquake Safety and Emergency Response (ESER) Bond Program, a voter-backed initiative to strengthen neighborhood fire stations and other first response facilities. 

2019 Earthquake Safety Fair

May 8, 2019

On June 11, the Department of Building Inspection will host its annual Earthquake Safety Fair at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium (99 Grove St, San Francisco, CA 94102) from 10am - 4pm. This FREE event will feature an exhibitor hall and informative workshops, along with hands-on emergency training. 

Earthquake Safety Fair

May 10, 2018

On June 13, the Department of Building Inspection will once again host the 2018 Earthquake Safety Fair at Bill Graham Civic Auditorium (99 Grove St, San Francisco, CA 94102) from 10am-4pm. This event will feature an exhibitor hall and informative workshops, along with hands-on emergency training.

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