Project Name | Description |
PW – Curb Ramp Program |
San Francisco is committed to improving curb ramps and providing accessible paths of travel for people with disabilities. Each fiscal year, Public Works and the Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) develop a prioritized list of locations for each of San Francisco’s supervisorial districts. Citizen requests have one of the most significant impacts on prioritization of curb ramp locations citywide. The estimated cost to continue the current curb ramp program is $93.7 million over the next 10 years. This need is recommended for full funding, with $80.0 million from the General Fund and the remainder from the State and Prop K funding. |
PW – Curb Ramp Sub-Sidewalk Basement Program |
As Public Works develops an overarching strategy to tackle the most structurally complex curb ramp locations, some planning and design work has begun for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements (over 100 confirmed locations citywide, with several more under investigation), which are significantly more challenging and expensive to address than those in the standard curb ramp program. The estimated cost for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements is $88.1 million over the next 10 years, which will be addressed as funds allow from the General Fund Pay-Go Program. |
PW – Street Tree Planting and Establishment |
The Urban Forest Master Plan, Phase I: Street Trees, adopted unanimously by the Board of Supervisors, recommends growing the street tree population by planting 2,500 trees annually, in addition to trees that need to be replaced. This requires Public Works to plant approximately 6,000 trees a year. The estimated cost for street tree planting and establishment is $325.1 million over the next 10 years. While $27.3 million has been identified through Prop K and other local sources, an unfunded need of $297.8 million remains. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Alice Griffith/Candlestick Point Power Improvements |
This project builds infrastructure for the second phase of development at Hunters Point Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and the Alice Griffith Housing Complex. The team comprised of the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure and Developer will pay to install the required infrastructure and substructure required for the new 12-kV underground electrical distribution system. The SFPUC as the electric utility provider will install the conductors in the conduits, transformers, switches, and metering equipment required for the electric distribution system. The cost of SFPUC’s work at Alice Griffith/Candlestick Point is approximately $40.1 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Energy Efficiency |
Energy efficiency improvements reduce facility operating costs and electric bills for customers, improve system functionality, and reduce the environmental impact of energy use. This program funds energy efficiency investments in City facilities covering the planning, design, and construction of "direct install" projects, as well as technical assistance and project assistance for departments with their own capital funds. Energy retrofits include lighting, heating and ventilation, retro-commissioning, and energy management systems projects. The SFPUC performs eight to 10 energy efficiency projects each year. The budget funds efficiency projects in municipal facilities for departments such as Police, Real Estate, Recreation and Parks, SFMTA, Yerba Buena Center, and Fine Arts. Planned funding for lighting and mechanical system efficiency upgrades are consistent with state policies that place emphasis on energy efficiency and that support greenhouse gas reduction. The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Energy Efficiency Program is approximately $10.0 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Renewable/Generation Power |
In accordance with City policies and directives to increase renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gases, Hetchy Power is continuously developing and implementing new renewable generation resources. A series is planned to include small municipal and energy development projects including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas fuel cells, wind projects, and other renewable energy projects. The power generated from the Renewable/Generation Power projects will offset on-site power need at each project location. The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Renewable/Generation Power Program is approximately $10.0 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Streetlights |
Hetchy provides power to all of San Francisco’s 44,528 streetlights, maintains the 25,509 streetlights owned by the City, and funds the maintenance of the 19,019 streetlights owned by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). The Plan includes $45.1 million over 10 years for upgrades to street lighting infrastructure. Street lighting area improvements, the conversion of high voltage series loop circuits into multiple standard voltage service and Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, holiday and festivity pole use, assessments to determine the severity of pole deterioration, streetlight pole rehabilitation, and replacement of poles are all funded through this program. The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Streetlights Program is approximately $45.1 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers |
This program supports the design and construction of transmission and distribution facilities to serve new retail customers; installation of intervening facilities required under the new Wholesale Distribution Tariff; the development, administration, and incentive payments to new retail customers; and improvements to the substation at San Francisco International Airport. This project is consistent with San Francisco Administrative Code Section 99.3 establishing the SFPUC's role as the exclusive electric service provider for existing and new City facilities, and for redevelopment and development projects. The SFPUC has identified additional funding to begin buildout design for a transmission substation to serve present and future customers. The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers is approximately $233.5 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC – Treasure Island Power and Wastewater Improvements |
On October 1, 1997, concurrent with the operational closure of the Treasure Island Naval Station, the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy in which the City agreed to take responsibility for caretaker services on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. Through this agreement, the SFPUC provides utility operations and maintenance for the electrical, natural gas, wastewater, and stormwater systems on the Islands. The SFPUC has developed a work plan for creating a public power utility on each of the islands. The capital projects identified are required to support the future developments’ electric load. Current planning shows that the existing electrical overhead poles, lines, and substation are adequate to serve the first phase of development. When the load approaches the design limit of the lines at approximately 10 megawatts, the lines will have to be upgraded and installed underground. The SFPUC will provide a new tertiary two million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility for the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island service area to replace the existing aged facility. The new treatment facility will include influent screening, a combined primary/secondary treatment process, anaerobic sludge digestion, sludge dewatering and truck load-out, disinfection, odor control, and tertiary treatment. The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $21.5 million through FY2029. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $37.0 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Islais Creek Crossing |
This project includes improvements to the Islais Creek crossing of the effluent pipelines and modifications to the Booster Pump Station at Islais Creek. The project primarily addresses the compromised section of the effluent discharge outfall into the San Francisco Bay. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Islais Creek Crossing Project is approximately $15.0 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Ocean Beach Protection Process |
This project is to develop comprehensive shoreline management and protection plan in partnership with relevant stakeholders and regulatory agencies and to establish a long-term solution to the erosion issues along Ocean Beach. This long-term solution is necessary to protect the integrity of critical wastewater assets that were planned, built, permitted, and constructed to protect public health and the environment. These assets include the Lake Merced Transport/Storage facility, the Westside Pump Station, and the Oceanside Treatment Plant, which are threatened by sea level rise and erosion at Ocean Beach. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Ocean Beach Protection Process is approximately $108.2 million through FY2029. Funding for complementary needed work on the streets and coastline are not included in this cost. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) Program-Wide Efforts |
The SSIP Program-Wide Management Project will support the SSIP’s overall implementation, providing condition assessments, project definition and prioritization, public outreach and education, sustainability evaluation, and general program management. The initial focus will be on scope optimization and program implementation of the $2.9 billion SSIP Phase 1 and the continued development of programmatic schedules, construction cost estimates, and rate and cash flow projections. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Sewer System Improvement Program-Wide Efforts is approximately $130.6 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – SSIP Sewer/Collection System |
This program includes the proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project to provide system enhancements to the Channel Drainage Basin, as well as needed redundancy for the existing 66-inch Channel Force Main, hydraulic improvements to sewers and pump stations, and improvements to grey and green stormwater management infrastructure. This program also replaces existing sewers to increase hydraulic capacity, transportation/storage and combined sewer discharge structures, pump stations, and force mains. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Sewer/Collection System Program is approximately $1.3 billion through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater - SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control |
This program includes work on drainage basins, green infrastructure, flood resilience, and the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program. For drainage basins, the SFPUC will build, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of eight green infrastructure projects to minimize stormwater impacts throughout San Francisco's eight urban watersheds. Flood resilience projects will address combined sewer flooding caused by heavy rain through capital improvements, financial incentives, Building Code amendments, options for affordable flood insurance, and enhanced coordinated storm response. Green infrastructure construction of permeable surfaces and engineers subsurface systems will sustainably augment the collection system for the management of stormwater flows. Finally, the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program will incentivize property owners to construct and maintain green infrastructure on large parcels. These projects will support the levels of service goals to minimize flooding, provide benefits to impacted communities, and achieve economic and environmental sustainability. Ancillary benefits may include reduced energy use (reduced pumping and treatment), potable water conservation, groundwater recharge, and improved community aesthetics. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control projects is approximately $704.2 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – SSIP Treatment Facilities |
SSIP treatment facilities projects include the Bayside Biosolids (Digester) Project in southeast San Francisco; improvements to the combined sewer transport storage and near shore combined sewer discharge structures; and improvements to the liquid treatment at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, the North Point Wet Weather Facility, the North Shore Pump Station and associated outfalls; and improvements to the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, Westside Pump Station, and Westside Force Main. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Treatment Facilities is approximately $1.6 billion through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Southeast Community Center Improvements |
This project focuses on evaluating and improving the functional and operational reliability of the existing Southeast Community Facility by providing infrastructure improvements. The project improvements include efficiency upgrades; building envelope repairs; tenant space reconfigurations and consolidations; and structural/seismic, life safety, and accessibility upgrades. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southeast Community Center Improvements is approximately $7.0 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Southeast Outfall Condition Assessment |
The Southeast Outfall pipeline conveys treated effluent from the Southeast Plant to the San Francisco Bay. The condition assessment will determine if the pipeline from the onshore force main to offshore outfall can provide reliable service until the offshore outfall is replaced. Funding for rehabilitation is included in the project if determined necessary by the assessment. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southwest Ocean Outfall Condition Assessment is approximately $30.8 million through FY2029. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Southwest Ocean Outfall Condition Assessment & Rehabilitation |
This project includes the condition assessment of the outfall and needed repairs. The facilities provide all-weather collection and treatment of flows from the west side of the City. The facilities must be monitored and maintained to ensure reliable and safe operation during all weather conditions. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southeast Outfall Condition Assessment is approximately $32.7 million through FY2029. |