11. Public Safety
Deferred Projects
Project Name | Description |
FIR – Bureau of Equipment Relocation | The SFFD Bureau of Equipment is the site of maintenance and repair for all of the Department's equipment and apparatus, among other essential functions. The current facility is undersized and seismically unsafe, but has been designated historical, limiting the nature of repairs and modifications that can be made. SFFD has identified a need for a new Bureau of Equipment facility to be located at 1415 Evans Street, to meet its current needs and improve efficiency of operations. The estimated budget for this relocation project is $60 million. |
POL – Central District Station Replacement | The Central District Station was constructed in 1972 and the only district station not upgraded in the 1987 SFPD facility bond program. Central Station is below a public parking garage and is among all police facilities the most functionally inadequate. This station is recommended for replacement, and both a viable swing and permanent site is needed for planning to begin in earnest. The estimated cost of replacement is $75 million not including any property acquisition cost, and a future ESER G.O. Bond would be the most likely source for this project. |
SHF – 425-7th Street Structural Strengthening | Based on a 2017 structural report, the County jail facility at 425 7th Street has a Seismic Hazard Rating (SHR) of 3, which means it would likely be inoperable after a major earthquake. Structurally strengthening this facility would improve likely life safety outcomes for staff and prisoners in the building and avoid costly hasty relocation efforts post-event. The estimated cost of the structural retrofit is approximately $10 million. Accompanying improvements and soft costs still need to be developed. |
SHF – County Jail #2 Improvements | The permanent closure of County Jail #4 increases the need for County Jail #2 improvements beyond the original work furlough design as this facility will be needed to house inmates with higher security levels and security restrictions. Converting dorms to cells in A & D Pods of County Jail #2 would not increase the capacity of the jail beyond the required ADA-accessible cells, but it would create more usable space in the existing facility. The converted beds would be appropriate for the maximum-security prisoners common in San Francisco’s jail population. This work would require supporting work to the building’s air handling systems and roof. In addition, County Jail #2 has limited space for prisoner services, and the Sheriff’s Department proposes to add to that capacity by developing within the building’s atriums. To make this possible, additional security enhancements would be needed to allow for safer and greater use of these areas by civilian staff and program providers. Improvements are also needed in the medical services pod (Pod C) of County Jail #2. The estimated cost of this capital work at County Jail #2 is $140 million. Of that, the estimated cost to convert A & D Pod dorms into cells is $32.3 million, and the roof and HVAC work for the entire building is estimated at $11.2 million. |