Project Name | Description |
PW – ADA Curb Ramps Program Right-of-Way Transition Plan |
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires cities to develop a transition plan specifically for curb ramps. San Francisco is committed to fully improving curb ramps and providing accessible paths of travel for people with disabilities by 2026. This program installs curb ramps at sites in response to requests from the public to prioritize locations of known need. The estimated cost to install curb ramps for the ADA Right-of-Way Transition Plan is $86 million over the next 10 years, and this need is fully funded through the General Fund. |
PW – ADA Curb Ramps Program Right-of-Way Transition Plan Special Projects |
As Public Works develops an overarching strategy to tackle the most structurally difficult curb ramp locations, some work has begun to address requests along the city’s pedestrian high-injury corridors. The Mayor’s Office on Disability and Public Works collaborated to identify these priority locations, which are for now budgeted separately from the Curb Ramps Transition Plan (above). Through FY2017 $1.4 million has been budgeted for these sites, and approximately $400,000 is expected to be funded through the General Fund in FY2018. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Civic Center District Power Improvements | This initiative will plan, design, and construct projects in the green energy district in the Civic Center in accordance with the partnership Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Global Initiative. This program includes City Hall, Davies Symphony hall, Opera House, Main Library, Public Health Headquarters, Asian Art Museum, Bill Graham Auditorium, Civic Center Garage, and the Civic Center. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers | The Capital Plan provides funding for the design and construction of transmission and distribution facilities to serve new retail customers, installation of intervening facilities required under the new Wholesale Distribution Tariff, and the development, administration, and incentive payments to new retail customers. The project will also look into the feasibility and implementation of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, automated metering information system, and integration of both with other technologies into a possible smart grid electric system. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Energy Efficiency | Energy efficiency improvements are an important component of an electric utility’s resource portfolio. These investments reduce facility operating costs and electric bills for customers, improve system functionality, and reduce the environmental impact of energy use. The Plan proposes funding for lighting and mechanical system efficiency upgrades. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – General Fund Departments | Energy retrofits for San Francisco General Fund Departments include lighting, heating and ventilation, retro-commissioning, and energy management systems projects. The budget funds efficiency projects in municipal facilities for departments such as Police, Real Estate, Recreation & Parks, Muni, Yerba Buena Center, and Fine Arts departments. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Renewable/Generation Power | Hetchy Power is continuously developing and implementing new renewable generation resources, including a proposed series of small municipal and energy development projects such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas fuel cells, wind projects, and other renewable energy projects. The Capital Plan also funds portions of the long-term development of cost-effective, small hydroelectricity projects. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Streetlights |
Hetchy provides power to all of San Francisco’s 44,528 streetlights, maintains the 25,509 streetlights owned by the City, and funds the maintenance of the 19,019 streetlights owned by PG&E. The plan funds street lighting area improvements to correct inadequate lighting and provide safer street and pedestrian friendly environment, replace insufficient lighting, and rehab and replace streetlight poles. The Plan includes $43 million over 10 years for upgrades to street lighting infrastructure. |
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Treasure Island/Other Development |
The SFPUC is required to provide utility operations and maintenance services at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island for the electrical and natural gas utility systems. Current planning shows that the existing electrical overhead poles, lines, and substation are adequate to serve the first phase of development. At some point in the development, when the electric load approaches the design limit of the electric lines at approximately 10 megawatts, the lines will have to be upgraded and subsequently installed underground. The second phase of development at Hunters Point Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and the Alice Griffith Housing Complex will require the installation of new underground 12 kV electrical distribution systems in all three areas. The SFPUC as the electric utility provider will install the conductors in the conduits, transformers, switches, and metering equipment required for the electric distribution system. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Advanced Rainfall Prediction | This SSIP project will provide the SFPUC with better rainfall forecasting capabilities, especially four-eight hours in advance of an event, which will be beneficial in managing wet weather flows in the combined collection system and preparing for flooding. This decision support tool will rely on the strategy and concepts for real-time control being developed under the SSIP, and represents the first step in implementing system-wide real-time control. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Drainage Basins | Phase 1 of this SSIP project will construct, monitor, and evaluate green infrastructure projects in each of San Francisco's eight urban watersheds to manage stormwater before it enters the combined sewer system. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Flood Resilience | This group of projects related to SSIP will address flooding caused by heavy rain. The Foerster Street Auxiliary and Mangels, Hearst, Detroit Sewer Replacement Project will increase the hydraulic capacity of the conbined sewer system on eight blocks in the Sunnyside Terrace neighborhood. This project will also include two raised crosswalks on Foerster Street and will mitigate the area's flood risk. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Islais Creek Outfall | SFPUC will provide improvements to the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant effluent force main crossings at Islais Creek. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Ocean Beach Protection Process | This project will develop a comprehensive shoreline management and protection plan to establish a long-term solution to the erosion issues along Ocean Beach. This solution is necessary to protect the integrity of wastewater assets built to protect public health and the environment, including the Lake Merced Transport/Storage facility, the Westside Pump Station and the Oceanside Treatment Plant. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer/Collection System | Sewer/Collection System projects include the proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project, providing enhancements to the Channel Drainage Basin, including needed reliability and redundance for the existing 66-inch Channel Force Main; hydraulic improvements to sewers and pump stations; and improvements to stormwater management through elements of both grey and green infrastructure. The Mariposa Dry-Weather Pump Station Improvement Project will increase the dry weather pumping capacity to accommodate additional wastewater flows from recent and planned developments in the Mission Bay, Potrero Hill, and other tributary areas near 3rd Street. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer System Improvement Program-Wide Efforts | The SSIP Program-Wide Management Project will support the SSIP’s overall implementation, providing condition assessments, project definition and prioritization, public outreach and education, sustainability evaluation, and general program management. The initial focus will be on scope optimization and program implementation of the $2.9 billion SSIP Phase 1; and the continued development of programmatic schedules, construction cost estimates; and rates and cash flow projections for the SSIP. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Facilities and Infrastructure | The Wastewater Facilities and Infrastructure projects will focus on protecting the structural integrity of critical infrastructure and streamlining core operational functions. Projects include: improvements to Griffith Yard for the Collection System Division field staff; rebuilding the Southeast Community Center to fulfill SFPUC's commitment to the mitigation measure for the expansion of the Southeast Plant, and erosion control to protect existing SFPUC facilities located adjacent to Ocean Beach. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Treasure Island Capital Improvement | The City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy in which the City agreed to take responsibility for caretaker services on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. The SFPUC provides utility operations and maintenance services for the wastewater and stormwater systems. This project includes $64 million for the New Wastewater Treatment Facility. A new tertiary two-million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility is proposed for the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island service area to replace the existing, aged facility. |
SFPUC Wastewater – Treatment Facilities | Treatment facilities projects for the SSIP include the Bayside Biosolids (Digester) Project which will fully replace the existing aged facilities with new ones with modern, proven, and efficient treatment technologies. |