The overall renewal needs for the City’s Public Safety facilities total $227 million over the next 10 years. Given funding constraints, the Plan allocates $69 million from the General Fund to meet these needs, as shown in Chart 10.1. Additional funding from the ESER G.O. Bond Program will also be invested in Fire and Police Department renewals.

The Sheriff’s Department has particularly challenging renewal needs at present. The County jail facility at 425 7th Street (County Jails #1 and #2) was built in 1994 as a work furlough facility, and many of its sub-systems need attention. The roof is leaking in multiple areas, and the roof-mounted air handlers need replacements. The flooring, ceilings, and lighting need to be replaced for code compliance and better hygiene. The analog security system is not adequate for a modern detention facility. The kitchen and laundry are not functional. If awarded, the $70 million in financing from the California Board of State and Community Corrections would address the most pressing of these needs.
There are enormous renewal needs at the Hall of Justice as well, but because that building is slated for retirement and demolition, its renewal needs have been deprioritized. Some repairs, such as water intrusion and waste management system issues, cannot be ignored completely for health/safety reasons.