The FY 2018-2027 Capital Plan generally retains most policies and practices set in prior year plans, including maintaining restrictions around issuing debt and fully funding certain capital programs such as the City’s Americans with Disability Act (ADA) transition plans, facilities maintenance, and street resurfacing. Policies governing the Plan are discussed in the Introduction as well as the Capital Sources chapter. The Plan also lays out a number of goals that continue key objectives from previous years, including robust funding for renewals, relocating critical City services to seismically sound facilities, and construction on hundreds of other public infrastructure projects to improve services and quality of life.
This Plan captures $24 billion in recommended direct City investments and $11 billion in external agency investment, which total $35 billion in capital improvements citywide, while creating an estimated 290,000 local jobs over the next decade.
Table 1.1
Capital Plan Summary in Five-Year Intervals (Dollars in Millions) |
FY18-22 |
FY23-27 |
Plan Total |
Economic & Neighborhood Development |
3,017 |
1,962 |
4,978 |
General Government |
87 |
156 |
243 |
Health and Human Services |
808 |
125 |
934 |
Infrastructure & Streets |
6,139 |
3,386 |
9,526 |
Public Safety |
1,274 |
381 |
1,655 |
Recreation, Culture, and Education |
1,964 |
414 |
2,379 |
Transportation |
10,345 |
5,137 |
15,483 |
23,635 |
11,562 |
35,197 |
FY18-22 |
FY23-27 |
Plan Total |
General Fund Departments |
3,346 |
1,906 |
5,252 |
Enterprise Departments |
13,504 |
5,418 |
18,922 |
City & County Subtotal |
16,839 |
7,315 |
24,155 |
External Agencies |
6,786 |
4,237 |
11,023 |
23,635 |
11,562 |
35,197 |
Table 1.1 Provides an overview of this Plan’s capital program broken down by service category and department type.