General Services Agency
Celebrated the 100th anniversary of the opening of San Francisco City Hall in the summer of 2015 and completed a number of capital improvements in the centennial year.
Completed Phase 2 Structural Steel for the Moscone Convention Center Expansion Project with the final beam set on the east half of the building, and started the Howard Street plug to reconfigure the street and ensure traffic flow.
Celebrated the 15th anniversary of the Community Clean Team in 2015, which has logged more than 148,000 volunteer hours, added more than 30,000 plants to public landscaped areas, and painted over approximately 3 million square feet of graffiti.
Launched the Pit Stop Program, which provides 15 locations with clean and safe public toilets, sinks, used needle receptacles, and dog waste stations in the City's most impacted neighborhoods. The Pit Stop Program provides a place for people to take care of their bathroom needs with dignity, improving neighborhood livability and reducing demands on department staff to clean up human waste from the City’s sidewalks, doorways, and streets. The Pit Stop program has been successful because all facilities are staffed by paid attendants who help ensure that the toilets are well maintained and used for their intended purpose, and because Public Works has collaborated with a community non-profit to help rehabilitate and train Pit Stop workers.
Created 14 murals through the StreetSmARTS program in collaboration with the Arts Commission in the most graffiti-tagged parts of the City to engage both artists and private property owners in the effort of deterring tagging.
Launched the City’s free municipal wireless internet access in parks project at 32 parks, plazas, and open spaces across San Francisco. The project is another step toward a larger vision of connectivity for the City as a whole to bridge the digital divide.
Secured funding and advanced planning for a seismically resilient Animal Care and Control Shelter that will reduce overcrowding, provide modern, safer standards of care, and enhance the health of animals in the City's care to help prevent the spread of disease.

Other General Accomplishments
Completed construction on the Critical Construction Project for the City’s 9-1-1 Center and Emergency Operations Center, which aimed to address the vulnerability of critical infrastructure while ensuring the operational readiness of the center; as part of this project, all critical telephone circuits have been rerouted through new vaults for maximum security and to establish operational redundancy. Additionally, the cable work completed allows the Department of Technology to install new redundant fiber infrastructure to serve multiple City Departments and the Recreation and Parks Department to proceed with the planned renovations of the Margaret Hayward Playground.
Advanced the Citywide 800MHz Radio System Replacement Project by completing design for the Twin Peaks Tower replacement, which includes generator, electrical, HVAC, and controls improvements for nine radio sites; the Clay Jones generator replacement; and the VA Hospital Site move.
Completed 90% of the ADA Transition Plan projects, with the other 10% in design or construction phases, to provide uniform physical access for the public and employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.
Designed, constructed, or upgraded 1,563 curb ramps to comply with ADA standards.