Voters approved a $350 million Public Health and Safety Bond, which supports major capital projects and renewals in this Service Area.

San Francisco Fire Department
Renovated 25 of the City’s 42 operating fire stations through the 2010 and 2014 ESER Neighborhood Fire Stations Programs, with work including:
- Completed design and bidding process for seismic upgrade projects at Stations 5 and 16.
- Completed exterior envelope projects to prevent water intrusion, as well as sidewalk, driveway, and window repair work.
- Completed roof replacement projects at Stations 3, 17, and 40.
- Completed focused scope projects at several stations, including the installation of a new HVAC and emergency generator at Station 3.
- Completed shower improvements at several stations including Stations 13 and 34.
- Advanced planning for mechanical scope projects with investigation and scope validation, proceeding with priority projects at Stations 8, 14, 20, and 41, as well as needed duct cleaning at Station 9.
- Plans for emergency generator repair are underway for Stations 14, 24, 31, and 37.
Rehabilitated historic Fire Station #30 as a multi-purpose facility for the Fire Department and the community.
Advanced Emergency Firefighter Water System (EFWS) projects in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission by completing construction on 21 of the 30 planned cisterns projects and seismically improving and/or replacing pump stations, reservoirs, tanks, pipes, and tunnels.
Began planning and design for the Fire Department’s new Ambulance Deployment Center; the site for the new building is currently being prepared for construction.

San Francisco Police Department
Completed construction on the new Public Safety Building, a seismically sound replacement facility for the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) Headquarters and the Southern District Police Station that also includes a new Mission Bay Fire Station. Both the Police Headquarters and the Southern District Police station were previously located at the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and this new facility is included in the Justice Facilities Improvement Program (JFIP) to replace the Hall of Justice.
Began the design phase of a replacement facility for the SFPD Forensic Services Division and SFPD Traffic Company to a site in Mission Bay. These divisions are currently located in the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and their relocation is part of JFIP.
Completed ADA Barrier Removal projects at Mission, Bayview, and Central Police Stations and completed design for future ADA improvement projects as part of the 2014 ESER Police Facilities Program.
Other Public Safety Accomplishments
Completed the structural steel erection and celebrated the topping-out ceremony of the new seismically sound replacement building for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). The City was advised by the National Association of Medical Examiners that the existing facility is undersized, has a number of deficiencies that are currently mitigated by operational protocols, and should be replaced to assure continued accreditation. The existing OCME is located in the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and its relocation is part of JFIP.
The Sheriff's Department completed its Facilities Master Plan, which documents current and future capital needs across its jails and other facilities.
Stakeholders from across the City Administration participated in the Re- Envisioning the Jail Work Group to try to find alternatives to incarceration facilities for the prisoner population currently housed at the seismically and operationally unsafe, unfit Hall of Justice.