As all of the agencies covered in the Transportation chapter are either enterprise departments or external agencies, there are no General Fund expenditures expected for renewals. SFMTA, SFO, and Caltrain each has its own state of good repair and other various renewal programs, which are described by the agencies here.

The SFMTA currently has over $13.5 billion worth of capital assets, including: bike routes and lanes, traffic signals, subway infrastructure, stations, maintenance and operations facilities, taxi facilities, fixed guideway track, overhead wires" and parking garages. SFMTA has been establishing a greater focus of its capital planning efforts into its Asset Management Program, ensuring that current assets receive needed maintenance, rehabilitation, and replacement. Over the next five years, the SFMTA will roll out state of good repair investments across the transit network totaling $1.7 billion over this period. Highlights of these investments include:
- Replacement of the entire rubber tire fleet, including replacement and expansion of the paratransit fleet;
- Expansion of the Light Rail vehicle fleet starting in Fall/Winter 2017;
- Rail grinding, track work, and replacement of Automated Train Control Systems (ATCS) to maintain the fixed guideway system;
- Upgrades to Overhead Catenary Systems, traffic signals, and other infrastructure essential to traffic and transit operations.
As part of the Vision Zero and Transit First initiatives, SFMTA is replacing and upgrading traffic signals, as well as restoring, rehabilitating, and replacing overhead lines, train tracks, subway elevators and escalators, off-street parking facilities, and revenue vehicle storage and maintenance facilities when necessary. Vision Zero SF is the City’s road safety policy that will build safety and livability into our streets, protecting the one million people who move about the City every day. The goals are to create a culture that prioritizes traffic safety and to ensure that mistakes on our roadways don’t result in serious injuries or death. The Transit First Policy gives top priority to public transit investments as the centerpiece of the City’s transportation policy and adopts street capacity and parking policies to discourage increases in automobile traffic.
A major objective of the Airport’s current Capital Plan is to meet increased infrastructure demands driven by historic levels of passenger growth. Over the past five years, the Airport has been one of the fastest growing airports nationwide. As more passengers visit the Airport, the facilities that support passenger travel must be maintained. The Airport considers renewals to be general repair and replacement of building systems and fixtures, such as a roof repair, that do not enhance the value or change the use of an asset. These projects typically have a small scope and are completed in less than a year. These projects are funded through the Airport’s annual operating budget, unlike capital improvements which are usually multi-year projects financed with capital funds. The Airport expects the cost of its renewal program to be approximately $214 million through FY2027.
Pursuant to the Joint Powers Agreement, each member County of the JPB has been contributing a onethird share towards Caltrain’s local match for its capital projects that are designed to maintain Caltrain assets in a state of good repair. Examples of these projects include replacement of track structures, overhaul to rail vehicles, station rehabilitation, and signal and communication rehabilitation. The total cost of Caltrain’s State of Good Repair program is $335 million.