Recreation and Parks Department
Finished construction on Mission Dolores and Kimball Playgrounds, the final two parks from the 2008 Bond Neighborhood Parks Program, and completed renovations to Joe DiMaggio Playground.
Completed construction on new parks at Noe Valley Town Square and at 17th and Folsom.
Began planning for three Let'sPlaySF Program properties: Merced Heights, Sgt. John Macaulay, and Washington Square playgrounds. Planning for the next three properties—Panhandle Playground, Alice Chalmers Playground, and John McLaren Park/Group Picnic—is also underway.
Completed renovations at Beach Chalet Playfields, completing the Park Playfields Repair and Reconstruction Program.
Completed repairs and renovations at restrooms throughout the park system, including Portsmouth Square, Washington Square, and Noe Courts.

Cultural Departments
Completed renovations at the Asian Art Museum including restoring the façade and floors of the historic building, and repainting the Hyde Street side of the building, as well as the historic torchieres in front of the building.
Completed the renovation of the Bayview Opera House, which includes a new entrance to the historic Newcomb Street façade, an expanded plaza with an outdoor stage, and structural renovations and ADA accessibility improvements.
Finished repairs at the City's cultural centers, including electrical work and a roof at the African- American Arts & Culture Center; a roof, fire panels and doors, and ADA work at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts; and a new roof at SOMArts.
Advanced renovation projects at the Fine Arts Museums, including repairs to the roofing systems, replacement of the fire alarm system at the Legion of Honor, replacement of the art treatment freezer, and repairs to the irrigation system exterior pipes at the de Young.
Began Phase I of the Old Mint Restoration Project, which will assess all aspects of project development and feasibility and the viability of a set of culture and arts uses at this National Historic Landmark Property.
Completed the seismic retrofit and renovation of the War Memorial Veterans Building, which includes new exhibition space and storage for the civic art collection, as well as a new performance and practice space for the San Francisco Opera and other arts organizations.

Educational Agencies
Completed improvements at many San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) facilities, including the opening of the new 650-student Willie L. Brown Jr. Middle School; construction of new classroom buildings at Sunnyside, Monroe, Stevenson, Junipero Serra, and Peabody elementary schools, and Lowell High School; and modernization work at 35 other school sites due to funds available through the 2011 SFUSD General Obligation Bond
Won voter approval for a $744 million SFUSD General Obligation Bond in November 2016 that will fund repairs and maintenance to SFUSD facilities, construct new schools, and seismically upgrade existing facilities.
Opened the Mix at SFPL, a 4,770-square-foot dynamic, digital media lab for teens at the San Francisco Main Library. This effort was a collaboration with the California Academy of Sciences, KQED, and the Bay Area Video Coalition, which provides opportunities for youth to perform, learn, and engage with peers and mentors.
Opened the Bridge at Main in the Main Library on the 5th floor, a center that prioritizes community literacy and learning through services such as hands-on computer learning, basic life skills classes, and drop-in technology workshops for families; the Library’s 33-year-old Project Read adult literacy program; and a drop-in Veterans Resource Center.
Completed renovations at the Academy of Sciences, including the replacement of two broken motor mounts and two failing motors, as well as cleaning, treating, and coating the three cooling towers for the Water Planet Chiller System, which sustains the cooling needs of the majority of Steinhart Aquarium's small and medium tanks.