Voters approved a $310 million Affordable Housing G.O. Bond and a $350 million Public Health and Safety Bond, both of which support major capital projects in this Service Area.

Department of Public Health
Completed construction of the new Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG), which opened for patient care in May 2016. The new 284-bed hospital is 484,000 square feet, seven stories high, and features an emergency room three times the size of the previous hospital, more operating rooms, and the City's only Level One trauma center. It is the first LEED® Gold trauma center certified in California.
Updated the 2009 Institutional Master Plan, which provides a framework for space planning decisions and funding needs for future major capital projects at the ZSFG Campus.
Completed ADA improvements to ZSFG Buildings 1 and 9 entrances and will be completing entrance improvements on Buildings 3 and 500 in addition to 22 public restrooms in Building 5 by December 2016.
Completed additional improvements at the ZSFG Campus, including replacement of steam turbine generators with on-demand diesel generators that will provide emergency power to the campus (exclusive of the new hospital building which has its own emergency generators) in the event of a commercial power failure; installation of new, more energy-efficient boilers and major elevator repairs at ZSFG Buildings 5 and 80/90.
Completed Phase One of a new Centralized Call Center for the SF Health Network, which is located at LHH in Wing E-3 of the Administrative Building and will aim to centrally serve all SF Health Network ambulatory clinics.
Improved and remodeled nearly 150,000 square feet of space within Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH) Wings A, B, C and H into administrative offices.
Fully decommissioned the previous LHH Hospital (now Administrative Building) as a hospital facility, paving the way for the planned eventual reuse of the facility as administrative offices.

Human Services and Homelessness and Supportive Housing
Opened the City's first two Navigation Centers, as short-term, low-threshold, service-intensive shelters for people experiencing long-term street homelessness. In early 2017, HSH will open the third, the Central Waterfront Navigation Center.
Remodeled the lobbies at Human Services Agency buildings at 170 Otis Street, 1235 Mission Street, and 1440 Harrison Street, to support the increase in clients seen after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and to coordinate facility layout with changing business practices.
Opened two new facilities to serve San Francisco’s most vulnerable populations: the new County Veterans Service Office and the Department of Aging and Adult Services Benefits and Resource Hub at 2 Gough Street, as well as a children’s resource center at the Edgewood Center for Children and Families.
Undertook an assessment for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to determine the department’s capital needs that can be funded through the 2016 Public Health and Safety Bond.
Affordable Housing
HOPE SF Hunters View: Construction will be completed in December 2016 on Block 7 and 11 and construction on Block 10 is expected to be completed in June 2017. Once complete, all remaining residents in the existing public housing on site will be allowed to move to their new units.
HOPE SF Alice Griffith: Phases I and II construction is expected to be complete in February 2017.
HOPE SF Potrero: Project-wide NEPA and CEQA approvals and land use entitlements for Phase I are in place and construction closing is scheduled for year-end 2016.
HOPE SF Sunnydale: Project-wide NEPA and CEQA approvals are in place, and the project is expected to be entitled in early 2017.
Rental Assistance Demonstration program: MOHCD converted 1,425 housing units in 15 SFHA developments in December 2015 and 2,046 units in 14 SFHA developments in November 2016. The converted units were transferred to community based non-profit ownership, maintaining long term affordability.
Completed modernization efforts at remaining SFHA sites, such as security camera installations, elevator repair work, and fire alarm upgrades.