2022 - Accomplishments: Public Safety Accomplishments

03. Accomplishments



Public Safety

San Francisco Fire Department

  • Completed permitting, CEQA review, and substantial construction on the seismic improvement and station replacement project at Fireboat Station 35 at Pier 22 1/2.
  • Opened seismically-renovated Stations 5 (Fillmore District) and 16 (Marina District).
  • Exterior envelope improvements completed at Stations 8, 20, and 29, with design work underway for additional stations.
  • Roof replacement projects underway at Stations 11, 22, and 21 with work scheduled to be completed in early 2021. As part of the roof replacement project, Hose Tower removal is underway at Stations 6, 11, 12, 21, and 38.
  • Shower improvements at stations 17, 19, and 33 have been completed.
  • Completed all apparatus bay door replacements from focused-scope project in 2020.
  • Completed generator replacement at Station 31. Design and permitting underway for emergency generator replacement projects at Stations 2, 14, 18, 19, 37, and 44.
  • Advanced Emergency Firefighting Water System (EFWS) projects in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission by completing construction on Pump Station 1 and seismically improving and/or replacing pump stations, reservoirs, tanks, pipes, and tunnels. Work on Pump Station 2 has begun with anticipated completion in late 2020 or early 2021.
  • Completed substantial construction on the new seismically safe Ambulance Deployment Facility located at 2241 Jerrold. Completion is anticipated for early 2021.

San Francisco Police Department

  • Completed New Firearms Simulation Training Facility construction.
  • Advanced mechanical, electrical, plumbing work at Bayview, Richmond, Taraval, Tenderloin Stations.
  • Near finalization on Park and Ingleside Police Station renovations.
  • Paving project proceeding at Academy.
  • Range Maintenance underway for expansion of operational capacity.
  • Weather proofing underway at Potrero station.

Other Public Safety Accomplishments

  • Funded the renovation of the County Jail #2 kitchen. Construction is halfway to completion. Completion will allow the kitchen at County Jail 4 (7th floor of the Hall of Justice) to be closed.
  • Completed the Sheriff's Department Facilities Master Plan, documenting current and future capital needs across its jails and
  • other facilities.
  • Identified and cost-estimated improvements for County Jail #2 and County Jail #6, including space allocation alternatives to support modern facilities.
  • Completed Sheriff’s Department Infrastructure Improvement Study which identified operationally critical requirements.
  • Closed County Jail #4 to inmate housing and re-assigned inmates to the remaining County Jail #2 and County Jail #5 in San Bruno (renumbered, County Jail #3).
  • Extensive repairs to the County Jail #2, extending the life span of the roof for approximately 2-3 more years before a full roof replacement is necessary .
  • Completed an electronic security system throughout County Jail #2. This project updates a failed analog system to a fully integrated digital system.
  • Construction of juvenile probation entry ramp. Work included modification to existing structure, mechanical and plumbing drainage systems, and architectural systems related to ramp project.
  • Completed restroom remodel included renovations for ADA Compliance resulting in three pairs of accessible male/female restrooms serving the public on each occupied floor of the Administration Building.

New Accomplishments: Public Safety Accomplishments

Public Safety Accomplishments


Fire Station Roof Replacement
Fire Station Roof Replacement

San Francisco Fire Department 

Renovated 25 of the City’s 44 operating fire stations through the 2010 and 2014 ESER and 2016 PHS Neighborhood Fire Stations Programs.

Completed design-build procurement process and schematic design phase on seismic improvement project at Fireboat Station 35 at Pier 22 ½, with permitting in process and CEQA review nearly complete.

Construction complete on seismic improvements projects at Stations 5 (Fillmore District) and 16 (Marina District). Both stations opened in FY2019.

Exterior envelope improvements completed at 17 stations and more designed for stations 8, 20, 23, 24, 29, and 34.

Completed roof replacement projects at Stations 20, 22, 23, 29, and 43.

Shower improvements at stations 17, 19, and 33 designed and bid.

Apparatus bay door replacements complete at station 3 and underway at stations 2, 11, 13, 19, 24, 31, 34, 40, and 41; design and permitting complete for apparatus bay door replacement projects at 25 Stations across all 11 Supervisorial Districts

Design and permitting underway for emergency generator replacement projects at Stations 2, 14, 18, 19, and 31.

Advanced Emergency Firefighting Water System  projects in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission by completing construction on 21 of the 30 planned cisterns projects and seismically improving and/or replacing pump stations, reservoirs, tanks, pipes, and tunnels.

Broke ground on a new, seismically safe,and more efficient ambulance and paramedic deployment facility located at 2241 Jerrold Ave.


Public Safety Building
Public Safety Building

San Francisco Police Department 

New Firearms Simulation Training Facility construction completed in August 2018.

Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing work advanced at Bayview, Richmond, Taraval, and Tenderloin Stations.

Park and Ingleside Police Station renovations under construction.

Other Public Safety Accomplishments 

Completed the construction of the new seismically sound replacement building for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner at 1 Newhall Street.

Funded the renovation of the County Jail #2 kitchen to reduce operational dependency on the Hall of Justice.

Completed the Sheriff's Department Facilities Master Plan, which documents current and future capital needs across its jails and other facilities.

Identified and cost-estimated improvements for County Jail #2 and County Jail #6, including space allocation alternatives to support modern facilities.

Completed Sheriff’s Department Infrastructure Improvement Study, identifying operationally critical requirements such as a new court holding/staging and transportation facility.

Delivered Final Report of the Re-Envisioning the Jail Work Group. This report aimed to find alternatives to incarceration for the prisoner population currently housed at the seismically and operationally unsafe Hall of Justice.

Added capacity for the City’s 9-1-1 Operations Center, increasing the total number of dispatcher consoles from 34 to 42 by creating more facility dispatching space.

Advanced the Citywide 800MHz Radio System Replacement. Completed enhancements of the city’s Public Safety Emergency Radio Sites. Twin Peaks Tower construction is 75% complete with the old tower slated for removal in 2019. Construction of a new radio shelter at the VA Medical Center is underway.


Accomplishments: Public Safety Accomplishments

Public Safety Accomplishments


Voters approved a $350 million Public Health and Safety Bond, which supports major capital projects and renewals in this Service Area.

Topping-out Ceremony at the New Office of the Chief Medical Examiner
Topping-out Ceremony at the New Office of the Chief Medical Examiner


New Roof at the Ashbury Tank
New Roof at the Ashbury Tank

San Francisco Fire Department 

Renovated 25 of the City’s 42 operating fire stations through the 2010 and 2014 ESER Neighborhood Fire Stations Programs, with work including: 

  • Completed design and bidding process for seismic upgrade projects at Stations 5 and 16. 
  • Completed exterior envelope projects to prevent water intrusion, as well as sidewalk, driveway, and window repair work. 
  • Completed roof replacement projects at Stations 3, 17, and 40. 
  • Completed focused scope projects at several stations, including the installation of a new HVAC and emergency generator at Station 3. 
  • Completed shower improvements at several stations including Stations 13 and 34. 
  • Advanced planning for mechanical scope projects with investigation and scope validation, proceeding with priority projects at Stations 8, 14, 20, and 41, as well as needed duct cleaning at Station 9. 
  • Plans for emergency generator repair are underway for Stations 14, 24, 31, and 37.

Rehabilitated historic Fire Station #30 as a multi-purpose facility for the Fire Department and the community. 

Advanced Emergency Firefighter Water System (EFWS) projects in collaboration with the Public Utilities Commission by completing construction on 21 of the 30 planned cisterns projects and seismically improving and/or replacing pump stations, reservoirs, tanks, pipes, and tunnels. 

Began planning and design for the Fire Department’s new Ambulance Deployment Center; the site for the new building is currently being prepared for construction.

Roof Replacement at Fire Station 6
Roof Replacement at Fire Station 6

San Francisco Police Department 

Completed construction on the new Public Safety Building, a seismically sound replacement facility for the San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) Headquarters and the Southern District Police Station that also includes a new Mission Bay Fire Station. Both the Police Headquarters and the Southern District Police station were previously located at the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and this new facility is included in the Justice Facilities Improvement Program (JFIP) to replace the Hall of Justice. 

Began the design phase of a replacement facility for the SFPD Forensic Services Division and SFPD Traffic Company to a site in Mission Bay. These divisions are currently located in the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and their relocation is part of JFIP. 

Completed ADA Barrier Removal projects at Mission, Bayview, and Central Police Stations and completed design for future ADA improvement projects as part of the 2014 ESER Police Facilities Program.

Other Public Safety Accomplishments 

Completed the structural steel erection and celebrated the topping-out ceremony of the new seismically sound replacement building for the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME). The City was advised by the National Association of Medical Examiners that the existing facility is undersized, has a number of deficiencies that are currently mitigated by operational protocols, and should be replaced to assure continued accreditation. The existing OCME is located in the seismically deficient Hall of Justice, and its relocation is part of JFIP. 

The Sheriff's Department completed its Facilities Master Plan, which documents current and future capital needs across its jails and other facilities. 

Stakeholders from across the City Administration participated in the Re- Envisioning the Jail Work Group to try to find alternatives to incarceration facilities for the prisoner population currently housed at the seismically and operationally unsafe, unfit Hall of Justice.

2022 - Accomplishments: Infrastructure + Streets Accomplishments

03. Accomplishments


Infrastructure + Streets

Streets and Rights-of-Way

  • Street Resurfacing: Repaved and maintained 1,104 street blocks in FY2019 and FY2020, achieving a Pavement Condition Index score of 75 in 2020. All districts have had at least one-third of their blocks resurfaced since 2009.
  • Curb Ramps: Constructed 2,337 curb ramps in FY2019 and FY2020.
  • Street Structures: Inspected 176 and repaired 37 street structures in FY2019 and FY2020.
  • Street Tree Planting and Establishment: Planted 2,061 trees and established 4,839 trees in FY2019 and FY2020.
  • Street Tree Maintenance and Inspections: Inspected 53,469 trees and maintained 29,704 trees in FY 2019 and FY 2020.
  • Sidewalk Improvements and Repair: Inspected the sidewalk condition of 245 blocks and repaired more than 392,103 square feet of sidewalks.

Public Utilities Commission

  • Achieved level of service (LOS) goals for 41 of the 43 Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) projects with specific LOS goals, as of June 30, 2020.
  • Completed New Calaveras Dam construction, the largest WSIP project, and began refilling Calaveras Reservoir.
  • Completed roughly 82% of construction of the Westside Enhanced Recycled Water Project and made steady progress on construction of several groundwater projects including the Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery project and the San Francisco Groundwater project.
  • Replaced 20 miles of local water mains in FY2019 and FY2020.
  • Completed construction of the Sunol Yard Long Term Improvements and Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade Phase III projects.
  • Continued progress towards completion of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), now about 46% complete overall.
  • Completed construction of various projects including Southeast Plant (SEP) Primary and Secondary Clarifier Upgrades, Central Subway Sewer Improvements, Masonic Avenue Sewer Improvements, SEP Oxygen Generation Plant, Sunnydale Green Infrastructure, SEP Existing Digester Gas Handling Improvements, Oceanside Plant Odor Control Optimization, Marin Street Sewer Replacement, SEP Seismic Reliability and Condition Assessment Improvements, and SEP New Headworks (Grit) Replacement Scope I.
  • Completed Phase I of Mountain Tunnel inspection and interim repairs and awarded the Construction Manager and General Contractor contracts for the Mountain Tunnel Rehabilitation Project.
  • Completed Power Infrastructure System Reliability Projects including the Warnerville Switchyard Upgrade Phase 1.
  • Completed over 50 smaller projects on Hetch Hetchy structures to meet water levels of service for sustainability, operational objectives for power system reliability, and regulatory compliance.
  • In response to the Rim Fire, completed the Lower Cherry Aqueduct Improvements project to repair damage and improve reliability and completed the Early Intake Switchyard Slope Hazard Mitigation project to reduce risk of slope failure.
  • Completed the Cherry Dam Outlet Works Rehabilitation project to meet stream flow release requirements.   
  • Replaced three power transformers serving Laguna Honda Hospital to meet power needs and provide reliability through redundancy.
  • Completed comprehensive maintenance and repairs of the substations serving the San Francisco Airport.
  • Completed the testing and repair of the submarine cable between Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island.
  • Awarded three construction contracts for the design-build of the transmission and distribution infrastructures and the power substation for the Bay Corridor Transmission and Distribution Project.
  • Completed the installation of two solar electric projects: 142kW Burton High School and 31kW Starr King Elementary School. Three H additional solar projects under construction and three more in design and permitting.
  • Installed new 20-inch Emergency Firefighting Water Supply (EFWS) pipe near Ashbury Heights Tank to allow Twin Peaks Reservoir to connect with the lower (Ashbury and Jones Street) pressure zones more effectively. Additional 20-inch EFWS pipe installed on Irving Street from 7th Street to 19th Street and from Mariposa Street/3rd Street to Warriors Way, via Terry Francois Boulevard.

New Accomplishments: Infrastructure + Streets Accomplishments

Infrastructure + Streets Accomplishments
Chinatown Curb
Chinatown Curb

Streets and Rights-of-Way

Street Resurfacing: Repaved and maintained 1,300 street blocks total in FY2017 and FY2018, raising the City's average Pavement Condition Index score in 2017 to 74. All districts have had at least one-third of their blocks resurfaced since 2009.

Sidewalks: Inspected the sidewalk condition of 168 blocks and repaired more than 236,638 square feet of sidewalks.

Utilities Work
Utilities Work

Public Utilities Commission 

Achieved level of service (LOS) goals for 40 of the 43 Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) projects with specific LOS goals, as of June 30, 2018.

Near completion of the Calaveras Dam construction, the largest WSIP project, having recently reached its full height at the crest elevation of 775 feet.

Began construction of the Westside Recycled Water Project and made steady progress on construction of several groundwater projects including the Regional Groundwater Storage and Recovery project and the San Francisco Groundwater project.

Replaced 19.4 miles of local water mains in FY2017 and FY2018.

Continued construction in Sunol Long Term Improvement and Peninsula Pipelines Seismic Upgrade Phase III projects.

Continued progress towards completion of the Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP), now about 25% complete overall. As of June 30, 2018, 20 projects were in closeout or completed, eighteen projects in construction, and thirty-two projects in pre-construction phase.

Commenced construction of the New Headworks Replacement Project.

Awarded Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) contract for the
Biosolids project.

Completed construction in various projects including Channel Green Infrastructure, North Point Facility Outfall System Rehabilitation Project, Islais Creek Green Infrastructure, and Lake Merced Green Infrastructure.

Completed design work and issued bids on construction for Oceanside Plant Digester Gas Utilization Upgrades, Mariposa Dry-Weather Pump Station & Force Main Improvements, and Geary Bus Rapid Transit Sewer Improvements Phase 1.

Completed the first phase of Mountain Tunnel inspection and interim repairs and started Phase 2.

Performed cleanup and emergency repairs to assets associated with the Moccasin and Priest Reservoirs and adjacent areas in response to the March 2018 flash flood storm event.

Completed Power Infrastructure System Reliability Projects including the Warnerville Switchyard Upgrade Phase 1.

Performed facilities upgrades to over 80 Hetch Hetchy structures to meet water levels of service for sustainability, operational objectives for power system reliability, and regulatory compliance.

Power Enterprise’s Utility Field Services made the power system safer, assessing 21,596 of 24,399 poles and replacing 143 damaged or deteriorated poles in FY2017 and another 105 in FY2018.

Completed energy efficiency projects including garage demand control ventilation for the Union Square Garage, building controls upgrade for three SFPD stations, a lighting retrofit at the Legion of Honor, the installation of a solar electric system at Davies Symphony Hall, boiler retrofits for Laguna Honda Hospital and San Francisco Fire Department (eight locations), lighting retrofits for Ella Hill Hutch Community Center and the De Young Museum, and design and permitting completion of four solar electric projects.

Accomplishments: Infrastructure + Streets Accomplishments

Infrastructure + Streets Accomplishments
Street Repaving
Street Repaving

Streets and Rights-of-Way

Street blocks: Repaved and maintained 1,650 street blocks total in FY2015 and FY2016, raising the City's average Pavement Condition Index score to 69 as of December 2016. This marks the fifth straight year of PCI improvement. 

Curb ramps: Constructed approximately 3,000 curb ramps through stand-alone and repaving projects. 

Sidewalks: Inspected the sidewalk condition of 446 blocks and repaired more than 590,000 square feet of sidewalks. 

Street structures: Inspected 230 street structures, and repaired 28 structures including stairs, retaining walls, and guardrails. 

Completed 9 streetscape improvement projects: Soma Alleyways Phase II, McCoppin Hub Plaza, Fell and Oak Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements, Castro Streetscape Improvements, 24th Street Urban Village, Taraval Streetscape, Sloat Boulevard, 19th Avenue Planted Median, and Randolph Streetscape. In addition, the Castro Streetscape Improvements project received an award from the Northern California chapter of the American Public Works Association and an honorable mention from the International Partnering Institute.

Newly Installed Curb Ramp
Newly Installed Curb Ramp

Public Utilities Commission 

Accepted and incorporated major Water System Improvement Program (WSIP) reliability projects into operation, including the Bay Tunnel, New Irvington Tunnel, and the seismic upgrade of Bay Division Pipelines 3 & 4.

Advanced water supply diversification work by approving the Westside Recycled Water Project and beginning construction on groundwater projects. 

Replaced 11.4 miles of local water mains in FY15 and FY16, meeting annual WSIP targets

Rehabilitated old water enterprise facilities, such as Sunol and Millbrae Yards, and new priority facilities such as the Alameda Creek Watershed Center. 

Advanced the North Point Facility Outfall System Rehabilitation Project by receiving and evaluating qualifications, issuing a list of qualified contractors, and advertising a request for bids for a construction contract. 

Issued certified green bonds for eligible sustainable stormwater management projects. 

Completed renovation of the Southeast Plant, which included roof repairs of the SEP Existing Digester and improvements on the SEP Oxygen Generation Plant. 

Began design work on major collection system reliability projects including the Geary BRT and Van Ness BRT Sewer improvements. 

Completed storm water management improvements including construction of the pilot block of Sunset Green Infrastructure, initiation of the Lake Merced Green Infrastructure Project, and design for the Channel Green Infrastructure Project. 

Began design work and issued bids on construction for Oceanside Plant improvements.

Advanced several flood resilience projects by completing a draft Flood Resilience Study and beginning planning for Wawona, Cayuga, and Folsom storm water improvement projects. 

Completed Hetch Hetchy Water Infrastructure Projects including the rehabilitation of the San Joaquin Pipeline, which involved the evaluation and assessment of structural integrity the structural upgrade of the pipeline, and pipeline cathodic protection, coating, and lining. 

Completed Power Infrastructure System Reliability Projects including the Warnerville Switchyard Upgrade Phase 1. 

Performed facilities upgrades to over 80 Hetch Hetchy structures to meet water levels of service for sustainability, operational objectives for power system reliability, and regulatory compliance. 

Established the new Streetlight Pole Assessment and Rehabilitation Program with 7,000 poles assessed and 135 deteriorated poles replaced. 

Completed energy efficiency projects including the completion of the LEED® Certification process for City Hall, which is now LEED® Platinum certified, and the installation of solar photovoltaic systems at City Hall and Cesar Chavez School. 

Installed new power infrastructure at development sites, including over 300 electric revenue meters at Hunters Point Shipyard, and completed 14 electric distribution preventative maintenance projects on Treasure and Yerba Buena Islands.

Ongoing Water Sewer Improvement Program
Ongoing Water Sewer Improvement Program

2022 - Accomplishments: Health + Human Services Accomplishments

03. Accomplishments


Health and Human Services

Department of Public Health

  • Secured funding through the City’s Certificates of Participation (COP) program for Laguna Honda administration building renovations. Designs have been completed and construction is targeted to start 3rd quarter 2021.
  • Progress on Tom Waddell Urgent Care Relocation to new City-owned facility at 555 Stevenson St. currently under construction. Occupancy is targeted for 1st quarter 2022.
  • COP funds secured to pay for tenant improvements and relocation of adult immunization travel clinic to 25 Van Ness.
  • Progress on Public Health Lab Relocation to Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG). Project will include state-of-the-art facility with construction commencing by 2nd quarter 2021.
  • Grove St. exit programming and seismic retrofit feasibility planning for Building 3 at ZSFG underway to facilitate DPH Executive Staff Relocation to ZSFG.
  • Finalized contract for Construction Manager / General Contractor for the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond projects at ZSFG including seismic upgrades, IT infrastructure, and relocation of departmental services.
  • Completed Urgent Care Relocation, Phase I of Seismic Retrofit, and Bldg. 5 Roof Replacement (2020) at ZSFG as part of 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O Bond.
  • Began Phase 2 construction of Southeast Health Center which has an occupancy target of 2nd quarter 2022.
  • Continued renovation of Maxine Hall Health Center Renovation with an occupancy target of 2nd quarter 2021.
  • Commenced renovation of Castro Mission Health Center with construction to commence in 1st quarter 2021 and completion targeted for 1st quarter 2022.
  • Funding approved through the COP program to support long-standing, major public health renewal projects including the ZSFG Chiller and Cooling Tower.
  • Feasibility studies for ZSFG Buildings 80/90 seismic retrofit strategies is underway.
  • UCSF Research Building project at ZSFG campus broke ground summer 2020, with construction continuing through completion in 2023.
  • Identified location for childcare center at ZSFG to support workers at the campus.

Human Services and Homelessness and Supportive Housing

  • Opened the Embarcadero SAFE Navigation Center and expanded the Division Circle Navigation Center.
  • Commenced construction of the Lower Polk Navigation Center and the Bayview SAFE Navigation Center, both of which will be completed by early 2021.
  • Planned for needed rehabilitation work at San Francisco’s publicly-owned homeless shelters, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.
  • Completed and opened HSH Headquarters and Client Access Point at 440 Turk Street, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.
  • Commenced construction of the Homeless Health Services Center as the ground-floor activation of the supportive housing project to be constructed at 1064-1068 Mission Street.
  • Acquired a Coordinated Services Center for San Francisco’s Homeless, working with the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development to identify a property in SoMa to build permanent supportive housing at 1064-1068 Mission Street. The development will provide studio apartments for more than 250 households experiencing chronic homelessness, with 100 of these new units designated for formerly homeless seniors, age 62 or older. It will also include a dedicated Homeless Services Center.

New Accomplishments: Health + Human Services Accomplishments

Health + Human Services Accomplishments
Building 5 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
Building 5 at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Department of Public Health

Planned the relocation of staff out of the seismically unsafe 101 Grove Street to Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH) and the Zuckerberg San Francisco General (ZSFG) campus, to be funded by Certificates of Participation in 2019.

Started construction on the ZSFG Building 5 Renovation and Seismic Retrofit project, funded for $222 million by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.

Completed Phase 1 of the Southeast Health Center project and design for the Castro Mission and Maxine Hall Health Center renovations, all funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.

Funded long-standing, major public health renewal projects such as the ZSFG Chiller and Cooling Tower Replacement, ZSFG Clinical Lab Automated Track, LHH Pharmacy Code Compliance Project, LHH Water Tanks, and Community Health Network Mechanical Unit replacement through the General Fund Capital Budget.

Completed seismic assessments of Chinatown Public Health Center, Ocean Park Health Center, Silver Avenue Health Center, and City Clinic – all of which have been found to have a Seismic Hazard Rating of 4.

Maxine Hall Health Center
Maxine Hall Health Center

Human Services and Homelessness and Supportive Housing 

Opened three new Navigation Centers, including a system-wide storage facility providing critical storage services to clients and a Navigation Center specifically targeting homeless Transitional Age Youth.

Planned for needed renewals at San Francisco’s publicly owned homeless shelters, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.

Purchased commercial space and began tenant improvements for HSH Headquarters and a Client Access Point at 440 Turk Street, funded by the 2016 Public Health and Safety G.O. Bond.

Remodeled lobbies at four HSA buildings to support the increase in clients seen after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and to coordinate facility layout with changing business practices.

Completed tenant improvements at new facilities serving San Francisco’s most vulnerable populations: The County Veterans Service Office and the Department of Aging and Adult Services Benefits and Resource Hub at 2 Gough Street, and a children’s resource center at the Edgewood Center for Children and Families.


Funded and programmed a Homeless Health Services Center as the ground-floor activation of the supportive housing project to be constructed at 1064-1068 Mission Street. This project solves for the needed relocation of the Tom Waddell Clinic from 101 Grove and builds a permanent home for the Homeless Outreach Team.


Accomplishments: Health + Human Services Accomplishments

Health + Human Services Accomplishments


Voters approved a $310 million Affordable Housing G.O. Bond and a $350 million Public Health and Safety Bond, both of which support major capital projects in this Service Area.

New Level One Trauma Center at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital
New Level One Trauma Center at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital

Department of Public Health

Completed construction of the new Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center (ZSFG), which opened for patient care in May 2016. The new 284-bed hospital is 484,000 square feet, seven stories high, and features an emergency room three times the size of the previous hospital, more operating rooms, and the City's only Level One trauma center. It is the first LEED® Gold trauma center certified in California. 

Updated the 2009 Institutional Master Plan, which provides a framework for space planning decisions and funding needs for future major capital projects at the ZSFG Campus. 

Completed ADA improvements to ZSFG Buildings 1 and 9 entrances and will be completing entrance improvements on Buildings 3 and 500 in addition to 22 public restrooms in Building 5 by December 2016. 

Completed additional improvements at the ZSFG Campus, including replacement of steam turbine generators with on-demand diesel generators that will provide emergency power to the campus (exclusive of the new hospital building which has its own emergency generators) in the event of a commercial power failure; installation of new, more energy-efficient boilers and major elevator repairs at ZSFG Buildings 5 and 80/90. 

Completed Phase One of a new Centralized Call Center for the SF Health Network, which is located at LHH in Wing E-3 of the Administrative Building and will aim to centrally serve all SF Health Network ambulatory clinics. 

Improved and remodeled nearly 150,000 square feet of space within Laguna Honda Hospital (LHH) Wings A, B, C and H into administrative offices. 

Fully decommissioned the previous LHH Hospital (now Administrative Building) as a hospital facility, paving the way for the planned eventual reuse of the facility as administrative offices.

New Navigation Center
New Navigation Center

Human Services and Homelessness and Supportive Housing 

Opened the City's first two Navigation Centers, as short-term, low-threshold, service-intensive shelters for people experiencing long-term street homelessness. In early 2017, HSH will open the third, the Central Waterfront Navigation Center. 

Remodeled the lobbies at Human Services Agency buildings at 170 Otis Street, 1235 Mission Street, and 1440 Harrison Street, to support the increase in clients seen after the passage of the Affordable Care Act, and to coordinate facility layout with changing business practices. 

Opened two new facilities to serve San Francisco’s most vulnerable populations: the new County Veterans Service Office and the Department of Aging and Adult Services Benefits and Resource Hub at 2 Gough Street, as well as a children’s resource center at the Edgewood Center for Children and Families. 

Undertook an assessment for the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing to determine the department’s capital needs that can be funded through the 2016 Public Health and Safety Bond.

Affordable Housing 

HOPE SF Hunters View: Construction will be completed in December 2016 on Block 7 and 11 and construction on Block 10 is expected to be completed in June 2017. Once complete, all remaining residents in the existing public housing on site will be allowed to move to their new units. 

HOPE SF Alice Griffith: Phases I and II construction is expected to be complete in February 2017. 

HOPE SF Potrero: Project-wide NEPA and CEQA approvals and land use entitlements for Phase I are in place and construction closing is scheduled for year-end 2016. 

HOPE SF Sunnydale: Project-wide NEPA and CEQA approvals are in place, and the project is expected to be entitled in early 2017. 

Rental Assistance Demonstration program: MOHCD converted 1,425 housing units in 15 SFHA developments in December 2015 and 2,046 units in 14 SFHA developments in November 2016. The converted units were transferred to community based non-profit ownership, maintaining long term affordability. 

Completed modernization efforts at remaining SFHA sites, such as security camera installations, elevator repair work, and fire alarm upgrades.

Construction at HOPE SF Alice Griffith
Construction at HOPE SF Alice Griffith


2022 - Accomplishments: General Government Accomplishments

03. Accomplishments


General Government

Office of the City Administrator

  • Opened new City office building at 49 South Van Ness, which features a 39,000 square foot One-Stop Permitting Center and consolidates operations for the Departments of Building Inspection, Public Works, Planning, Public Health, and other departments that do permitting work.
  • Acquired 1828 Egbert Avenue for the San Francisco Police Department’s Property and Evidence Division, relocating and combining the Evidence Storage from the Hall of Justice and Building 606.
  • Acquired 1515 South Van Ness, 500-520 Turk/555 Larkin and 1939 Market Street for affordable housing.
  • Transferred Westbrook Plaza from OCII to the City.
  • Completed Phase I relocation of the District Attorney out of the Hall of Justice and into 350 Rhode Island, which is a LEED Gold building. Phase II to be completed in 2021.
  • Commenced relocation of Adult Probation out of the Hall of Justice and into 945 Bryant Street with tenant improvements estimated for completion in March 2021.

Other General Accomplishments

  • The Department of Technology (DT) connected over 6,000 units in 35 affordable housing sites to provide residents with free broadband internet access over the last 2.5 years through the Fiber for Housing Project.
  • Of these, DT accelerated the expansion of Fiber for Housing to 1,500 units in affordable housing buildings with high concentrations of students to accommodate distance learning in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Additionally, 32 community rooms were equipped with Wi-Fi for residents to access the Internet.
  • Animal Care and Control commenced construction of a replacement animal shelter at 1419 Bryant Street. The project is the adaptive reuse and seismic rehabilitation of the original Market Street Railway Company Powerhouse built in 1893. Completion of the facility is expected in 2021.
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