Proposed Capital Plan Released This Week

March 1, 2017

In compliance with the San Francisco Administrative Code Section 3.20, City Administrator Naomi Kelly and the Office of Resilience and Capital Planning are pleased to submit the Proposed City and County of San Francisco Capital Plan for Fiscal Years (FY) 2018-2027. Having been approved by the City’s Capital Planning Committee, the Proposed Capital Plan now goes before the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor for their approval by May 1, 2017.

The guiding document for City infrastructure investments, the Proposed Plan assesses the City’s capital needs, identifies the level of investment required to meet those needs, and provides a constrained plan of finance for the next 10 years. This Plan continues the City’s commitment to plan and finance projects that will strengthen the integrity of San Francisco’s infrastructure. The Plan recommends a record level of $35 billion in investments over the next decade that will improve San Francisco’s resilience through critical seismic repairs and strengthening; transportation and utility system improvements; safer streets for pedestrians, bicyclists, and drivers; and more affordable housing.

For the first time, the Proposed Plan includes strategies to address the multigenerational need to fortify the Seawall, which protects three miles of vital and vibrant waterfront. The Seawall, its assets, and the people who rely on it for home, work, recreation, and/or travel are all vulnerable to the immediate threat of earthquakes and the slow-moving threat of sea level rise.

Even with this record level of investment, the Proposed Plan defers $4.6 billion in identified capital needs for General Fund departments and does not fully fund annual state of good repair needs for those departments until FY2032.

San Francisco has long been a city resilient in the face of environmental, economic, and social challenges. The Capital Plan not only guides infrastructure investments but also builds public trust in the City’s ability to do smart long-term planning. The City Administrator and the Office of Resilience and Capital Planning look forward to working with the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors to enact the recommendations of this Plan and continuing to build a stronger City.

To view the Proposed Capital Plan, please click here.

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