2022 Infrastructure + Streets: Emerging Projects

10. Infrastructure + Streets

Emerging Projects

Project Name Description
PW – Bayview Transportation Improvements This project will rehabilitate and reconfigure the right-of-way in the in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard development areas to increase roadway capacities and increase safety and accessibility. It will reduce truck traffic on Third Street and residential streets and develop a more direct truck route between US 101 and existing and planned development in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard.
PW – Harvey Milk Plaza  This project would regrade, repave, and re-landscape the current Harvey Milk Plaza in coordination with the SFMTA Castro Station elevator project. Private fundraising and grants are expected to provide the majority of funding for this project.
SFPUC - San Francisco Electric Distribution Grid Acquisition Project The City has determined that acquisition of the electric distribution grid in San Francisco is the best way to ensure that the City can continue to provide clean energy at reasonable prices while promoting the City’s goals. Achieving complete independence from PG&E is the best way to ensure that the City can deploy innovative technologies that improve resiliency, promote decarbonization of the building stock and transportation sector, and ensure that the City can continue to provide clean power.
SFPUC - Electric Vehicle Infrastructure The California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP) is a grant program from the California Energy Commission (CEC) that provides financial incentives to property owners to install public electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Electric vehicles are key to achieving the City’s goal of 100% GHG-free transportation by 2040. As a public utility, supporting the installation of public EV chargers offers a way to both support the City’s goal and grow revenue. The SFPUC applied to launch a CALeVIP project in San Francisco in 2021. The SFPUC was eligible for up to $14.5 million in CEC funds and proposed contributing $6 million as a match over four years ($5.4 million from CleanPowerSF and $600,000 from Hetch Hetchy Power). The CEC selected other projects in 2021. SFPUC will be submitting an updated proposal for 2022.
SFPUC - Strategic Distribution Investment A key priority in Power’s Business Plan is build out of SFPUC-owned distribution systems in order to reduce costs and ensure customer stability. SFPUC’s first such effort was the Bay Corridor Transmission and Distribution (BCTD) project which will be complete in 2021. However, significantly more investment is needed to meet anticipated demand over the next 10-15 years. In fact, Hetchy Power load growth is anticipated to more than double over this period. City departments are projecting substantial growth (over 200 MW) from fleet electrification (SFMTA and Port), redevelopment projects (OCII and Port), and EV charging which will serve municipal, housing, and commercial loads. To meet this demand, SFPUC has initially identified two cluster areas for distribution investment, Northeastern Waterfront Development and Southbound BCTD Expansion. In the coming months, Power will engage in further analysis to refine and vet these investment opportunities.

New Infrastructure + Streets: Emerging Projects

Emerging Projects

Project Name 


PW – Bayview Transportation Improvements

This project will rehabilitate and reconfigure the right-of-way in the in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard development areas to increase roadway capacities and increase safety and accessibility. It will reduce truck traffic on Third Street and residential streets and develop a more direct truck route between US 101 and existing and planned development in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard.

PW – Harvey Milk Plaza

This project would regrade, repave, and re-landscape the current Harvey Milk Plaza in coordination with the MTA Castro Station elevator project. Some General Fund support for this project is anticipated alongside grants pursuits.

PW – Market Street Plaza Enhancements This project would bring major improvements to UN, Hallidie, and Mechanics Plazas along Market Street, making them more inviting and active spaces. Based on the conceptual designs, improvements could include decking over the sunken plaza at Hallidie, creating a space for civic events at the UN Plaza, regrading to address accessibility issues at the Mechanics Plaza, and increasing seating at all three locations.

Infrastructure + Streets: Emerging Projects

Emerging Projects

Project Name 


PW – Better Market Street 

This project will redesign Market Street as a more pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-oriented street. A comprehensive renovation is undergoing environmental review and requires inter-agency coordination for work that could include: repaving of the roadway, sidewalk and crosswalk reconstruction, curb ramps, new street trees and landscape elements, replacement of MUNI overhead wires and upgrades to the traffic signal infrastructure, street lighting upgrades, sewer repair and/or replacement, water main work, and replacement of Emergency Firefighting Water System facilities and infrastructure. The project will extend from Steuart Street in the Financial District through Octavia Boulevard.

The project has an expected total cost of $384 million of which $92 million will be funded by the 2014 Transportation G.O. Bond and $43 million from federal sources. Funding sources for the balance of need have not been identified.

A Renewed Market Street

A renewed Market Street will anchor neighborhoods, link public open spaces and connect the City's Civic Center with cultural, social, convention, tourism, and retail destinations, as well as with the regional transit hub that will be centered at the planned Transbay Terminal.


2022 - Infrastructure + Streets: Deferred Projects

10. Infrastructure + Streets

Deferred Projects

Project Name Description
PW – Streetscape Improvement Program The Streetscape Program enhances neighborhood streets, alleys, and plazas across the City through best practices for multi-modal safety, economic, and beautification improvements. Typical improvements include Vision Zero bulbout improvements, transit improvements, street tree planting, site furnishings, lighting upgrades, as well as pedestrian and bicycle safety features such as pedestrian islands, bike lanes, crosswalk enhancements, and other traffic calming measures.
The 10-year estimated cost for the Streetscape Improvement Program is $537.1 million.
PW – Utility Undergrounding Overhead utility wires and related infrastructures are potential public safety hazards and a visual blemish on San Francisco’s vistas. This project would involve relocating overhead utility wires underground. Undergrounding utilities reduce the frequency of needed maintenance but require a substantial up-front investment.
Generally, undergrounding costs roughly $8 million per mile. The estimated cost to underground utilities across the City over the next 10 years is over $1 billion.

New Infrastructure + Streets: Deferred Projects

Deferred Projects

Project Name 


PW – Better Market Street

This project will redesign Market Street as a more pedestrian, bicycle, and transit-oriented street. A comprehensive renovation is undergoing environmental review and requires inter-agency coordination for work that could include repaving of the roadway, sidewalk and crosswalk reconstruction, curb ramps, new street trees and landscape elements, replacement of MUNI overhead wires and upgrades to the traffic signal infrastructure, street lighting upgrades, sewer repair and/or replacement, water main work, and replacement of Emergency Firefighting Water System facilities and infrastructure. The project will extend from Steuart Street in the Financial District through Octavia Boulevard.

The project has an expected remaining cost of $506.4 million of which $75.7 million will be funded by the 2014 Transportation G.O. Bond and $53.4 million from federal and other local sources.

PW – Streetscape
Improvement Program

The Streetscape Program enhances neighborhood streets, alleys, and plazas across the City through best practices in design that bring safety, economic, and beautification improvements. Typical improvements include street tree planting, site furnishings, lighting upgrades, and pedestrian and bicycle safety features such as pedestrian islands, bike lanes, crosswalk enhancements, and other traffic calming measures.

The 10-year estimated cost for the Streetscape Improvement Program is $487.2 million.

PW – Utility Undergrounding

Overhead utility wires and related infrastructures are potential public safety hazards and a visual blemish on San Francisco’s vistas. This project would involve relocating overhead utility wires underground. Undergrounding utilities reduce the frequency of needed maintenance but require a substantial up-front investment.

Generally, undergrounding costs roughly $8 million per mile. The estimated cost to underground utilities across the City over the next 10 years is over $1.2 billion.

Infrastructure + Streets: Deferred Projects

Deferred Projects

Project Name 


PW – Bayview Transportation Improvements 

This project will rehabilitate and reconfigure the right-of-way in the in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard development areas to increase roadway capacities and increase safety and accessibility. It will reduce truck traffic on Third Street and residential streets and develop a more direct truck route between US 101 and existing and planned development in the Bayview and Hunters Point Shipyard.

The estimated project cost is $41 million. 

PW – Jefferson Street Streetscape Enhancement Project, Phase 2 

Phase 1 of the Jefferson Street Streetscape Enhancement Project was completed in 2013 and created improvements to pedestrian areas along the length of Jefferson Street, featuring improved intersections and street segments, pedestrian corner plazas, shortened crossing distances, pedestrian scale lighting, and other amenities. Phase 2 of this project would extend street improvements on Jefferson Street from Jones to Powell Streets, improving the street user experience on a major, iconic, commercial corridor in San Francisco.

The total cost to complete Phase 2 is $13 million. 

PW – Market Street Plaza Enhancements 

Market Street Plaza Enhancements would bring major improvements to UN, Hallidie, and Mechanics Plazas along Market Street, making them more inviting, active spaces. Based on the conceptual designs, improvements could include: decking over the sunken plaza at Hallidie, creating a space for civic events at the UN Plaza, regrading to address accessibility issues at the Mechanics Plaza, and increasing seating at all three locations.

The total cost to enhance these plazas is $97 million. 

PW – Streetscape Improvement Program 

The Streetscape Program enhances neighborhood streets, alleys, and plazas across the City through best practices in design that bring safety, economic, and beautification improvements. Typical improvements include street tree planting, site furnishings, lighting upgrades, and pedestrian and bicycle safety features such as pedestrian islands, bike lanes, crosswalk enhancements, and other traffic calming measures.

The 10-year estimated cost for the Streetscape Improvement Program is $442 million. 

PW – Utility Undergrounding 

Overhead utility wires and related infrastructure are potential public safety hazards and a visual blemish on San Francisco’s vistas. This project would involve relocating overhead utility wires underground. Undergrounding utilities reduces the frequency of needed maintenance, but requires a large up-front investment.

Generally, undergrounding costs roughly eight million dollars per mile. The estimated cost to underground utilities across the City over the next 10 years is over $1 billion dollars. Funding for the project has not been identified to date. Going forward the City will continue to explore funding options as well as potential leveraging opportunities associated with other right-of-way projects that involve opening up the roadway. 

2022 - Infrastructure + Streets: Enhancement Projects

10. Infrastructure + Streets

Enhancement Projects

Project Name Description
PW – Curb Ramp Program San Francisco is committed to improving curb ramps and providing accessible paths of travel for people with disabilities. Each fiscal year, Public Works and the Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) develop a prioritized list of locations for each of San Francisco’s supervisorial districts. Resident requests have one of the most significant impacts on prioritization of curb ramp locations citywide.
The estimated cost to continue the current curb ramp program is $104.9 million over the next 10 years. The Plan recommends $42 million from the General Fund towards this need, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make this challenging. An additional $5 million is expected from the 2020 Health and Recovery G.O. Bond, and $15.8 million from State and Prop K funding.
PW – Curb Ramp Sub-Sidewalk Basement Program As Public Works develops an overarching strategy to tackle the most structurally complex curb ramp locations, some planning and design work has begun for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements (over 100 confirmed locations citywide, with hundreds more under investigation), which are significantly more challenging and expensive to address than those in the standard curb ramp program.
The estimated cost for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements is $97.1 million over the next 10 years, which will be addressed as funds allow from the General Fund Pay-Go Program.
PW – Street Tree Planting and Establishment The Urban Forest Master Plan, Phase I: Street Trees, adopted unanimously by the Board of Supervisors, recommends growing the street tree population by planting 2,500 trees annually, in addition to trees that need to be replaced. This requires Public Works to plant approximately 6,000 trees a year.
The estimated cost for street tree planting and establishment is $172 million over the next 10 years. While $16.7 million has been identified through Prop K and other local sources, an unfunded need of $155 million remains.
PW – Better Market Street This project will redesign Market Street to make it safer and more enjoyable for people walking, biking, and taking transit along the corridor. The project requires inter-agency coordination for work that includes repaving of the roadway, sidewalk and crosswalk reconstruction, curb ramps, new street trees and streetscape elements, full replacement of the traffic signal infrastructure, street light upgrades, sewer repair and/or replacement, water main work, replacement of the auxiliary water supply system, and replacement of Muni overhead wires, track and traction power. The full project, which extends from Steuart Street in the Financial District to Octavia Boulevard, has received CEQA and NEPA clearance.
The full corridor project has an expected total cost of $604 million of which $197 million is funded through a combination of local, state, and federal sources. The identified funding total of $197 million includes $143 million already spent or programmed on planning and environmental review and the first phase of construction for Better Market Street between Fifth to Eighth streets. The remaining $54 million will be used for future construction phases. The total project cost of $604 million also includes $8.5 million needed to replace the brick sidewalk on Market Street between Fifth to Eighth streets.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Transmission/Distribution -
Distribution Services Retail Services Projects
This program supports the design and construction of transmission and distribution facilities to serve new retail customers; the installation of the infrastructure and substructure required for the new 12-kV underground electrical distribution system at Hunters Point Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and the Alice Griffith Housing Complex; and improvements to the substation at San Francisco International Airport. This project is consistent with San Francisco Administrative Code Section 99.3 establishing the SFPUC's role as the exclusive electric service provider for existing and new City facilities, and for redevelopment and development projects.
The cost of SFPUC’s Transmission/Distribution projects is approximately $453.6 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Streetlights

Hetchy provides power to all of San Francisco’s 44,528 streetlights, maintains the 25,509 streetlights owned by the City, and funds the maintenance of the 19,019 streetlights owned by Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E). Street lighting area improvements, the conversion of high voltage series loop circuits into multiple standard voltage service and Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, holiday and festivity pole use, assessments to determine the severity of pole deterioration, streetlight pole rehabilitation, and replacement of poles are all funded through this program.
The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Streetlights Program is approximately $34.3 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency improvements reduce facility operating costs and electric bills for customers, improve system functionality, and reduce the environmental impact of energy use. This program funds energy efficiency investments in City facilities covering the planning, design, and construction of "direct install" projects, as well as technical assistance and project assistance for departments utilizing their own capital funds. Energy retrofits include lighting, heating and ventilation, retro-commissioning, and energy management systems projects. The SFPUC performs eight to ten energy efficiency projects each year. The budget funds efficiency projects in municipal facilities for departments such as Police, Real Estate, Recreation and Parks, SFMTA, Yerba Buena Center, and Fine Arts. Planned funding for lighting and mechanical system efficiency upgrades are consistent with state policies that place emphasis on energy efficiency and that support greenhouse gas reduction.
The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Energy Efficiency Program is approximately $9.9 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power –
Renewable/Generation Power 
In accordance with City policies and directives to increase renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gases, Hetchy Power is continuously developing and implementing new renewable generation resources. A series is planned to include small municipal and energy development projects including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas fuel cells, wind projects, and other renewable energy projects. The power generated from the Renewable/Generation Power projects will offset on-site power need at each project location.
The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Renewable/Generation Power Program is approximately $10.0 million through FY2031.
SFPUC – Treasure Island Power
and Wastewater Improvements
On October 1, 1997, concurrent with the operational closure of the Treasure Island Naval Station, the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy in which the City agreed to take responsibility for caretaker services on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. Through this agreement, the SFPUC provides utility operations and maintenance for the electrical, natural gas, wastewater, and stormwater systems on the islands.
The SFPUC has developed a work plan for creating a public power utility serving both of the islands. The capital projects identified are required to support the future developments’ electric load. Current planning shows that the existing electrical overhead poles, lines, and substation are adequate to serve the first phase of development. When the load approaches the design limit of the lines at approximately 10 megawatts, the lines will have to be upgraded and installed underground.
This project provides continued funding for a new tertiary three-million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility for the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island service area to replace the existing, aged facility. The new treatment facility will include influent screening, a combined primary/secondary treatment process, anaerobic sludge digestion, sludge dewatering and truck load-out, disinfection, odor control, and tertiary treatment.
The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $17.5 million through FY2031. The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $147.8 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater –
Ocean Beach Protection Process
This project will develop a comprehensive shoreline management and protection plan in partnership with relevant stakeholders and regulatory agencies and establish a long-term solution to the erosion issues along Ocean Beach. This long-term solution is necessary to protect the integrity of critical wastewater assets that were constructed to protect public health and the environment. These assets include the Lake Merced Transport/Storage facility, the Westside Pump Station, and the Oceanside Treatment Plant, which are threatened by sea level rise and erosion at Ocean Beach.
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Ocean Beach Protection Process is approximately $146.0 million through FY2031. 
SFPUC Southwest Ocean Outfall (SWOO)
Condition Assessment & Rehab
This project includes the condition assessment of the outfall and needed repairs. The facilities provide all-weather collection and treatment of flows from the westside of the City. The facilities must be monitored and maintained to ensure reliable and safe operation during all weather conditions.
The cost of the SFPUC SWOO Condition Assessment & Rehab is $30.6 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater Southeast Outfall
Condition Assessment & Rehab
The Southeast Outfall pipeline conveys treated effluent from the Southeast Plant to the San Francisco Bay. The condition assessment will determine if the pipeline from the onshore force main to offshore outfall can provide reliable service until the offshore outfall is replaced. Funding for rehabilitation is included in the project if determined necessary by the assessment.
The cost of the SFPUC Wastewater Southeast Outfall Condition Assessment is approximately $31.6 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater – Islais Creek Crossing This project includes improvements to the Islais Creek crossing of the effluent pipelines and modifications to the Booster Pump Station at Islais Creek. The project primarily addresses the compromised section of the effluent discharge outfall into the San Francisco Bay.
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Islais Creek Crossing Project is approximately $16.7 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer System Improvement
Program (SSIP) Program-Wide Efforts
The SSIP is a series of capital improvement projects focused on improving the wastewater system to meet the present and future needs of the city. The Program-Wide Management Project will support the SSIP implementation, providing condition assessments (facility inspections), project definition and prioritization, public outreach and education, analysis of the impacts of climate change, sustainability evaluation, and general program management (program controls, change control, constructability).
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Sewer System Improvement Program-Wide Efforts is approximately $99.1 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater – SSIP Treatment Facilities SSIP treatment facilities projects include the Bayside Biosolids (Digester) Project in southeast San Francisco; improvements to the combined sewer transport storage and near shore combined sewer discharge structures; and improvements to the liquid treatment at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, the North Point Wet Weather Facility, the North Shore Pump Station and associated outfalls; and improvements to the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, Westside Pump Station, and Westside Force Main.
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Treatment Facilities is approximately $1.5 billion through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater –
SSIP Sewer/Collection System
This program includes the proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project to provide system enhancements to the Channel Drainage Basin, as well as needed redundancy for the existing 66-inch Channel Force Main, hydraulic improvements to sewers and pump stations, and improvements to grey and green stormwater management infrastructure. This program also replaces existing sewers to increase hydraulic capacity, transportation/storage and combined sewer discharge structures, pump stations, and force mains.
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Sewer/Collection System Program is approximately $864.4 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Wastewater -
SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control 
This program includes work on drainage basins, green infrastructure, flood resilience, and the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program. For drainage basins, the SFPUC will build, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of eight green infrastructure projects to minimize stormwater impacts throughout San Francisco's eight urban watersheds. Flood resilience projects will address combined sewer flooding caused by heavy rain through capital improvements, financial incentives, Building Code amendments, options for affordable flood insurance, and enhanced coordinated storm response. Green infrastructure construction of permeable surfaces and engineers’ subsurface systems will sustainably augment the collection system for the management of stormwater flows. Finally, the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program will incentivize property owners to construct and maintain green infrastructure on large parcels. These projects will support the levels of service goals to minimize flooding, provide benefits to impacted communities, and achieve economic and environmental sustainability. Ancillary benefits may include reduced energy use (reduced pumping and treatment), potable water conservation, groundwater recharge, and improved community aesthetics.
The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control projects is approximately $695.2 million through FY2031.
SFPUC CleanPowerSF –
Local Renewable Energy Program
This program will fund the development of new renewable energy (solar photovoltaic) and battery storage projects on select SFPUC sites. The project is structured around six major phases, including: Planning, Request for Proposals, Construction and Commissioning, Power Purchase Agreement, Asset Management, and Project Buyout. The initial renewable energy facilities developed under this program would be structured as power purchase agreements (PPA) with third parties that would develop and operate the projects for an initial period of time. The PPAs would include a buy-out option for the City.
The cost of the SFPUC CleanPowerSF – Local Renewable Energy Program is approximately $62.7 million through FY2031.
SFPUC CleanPowerSF
Customer Programs
This program funds the development and implementation of programs that incentivize customers to invest in new clean energy technologies that can reduce their energy costs and further San Francisco’s decarbonization goals. Incentives will be available for residents and businesses investing in new clean and efficient equipment like solar power generating equipment, battery storage, electrical vehicle chargers and electric heat pump water heating.
The cost of the SFPUC CleanPowerSF Customer Programs is approximately $13.1 million through FY2031.

New Infrastructure + Streets: Enhancement Projects

Enhancement Projects

Project Name Description
PW – Curb Ramp Program

San Francisco is committed to improving curb ramps and providing accessible paths of travel for people with disabilities. Each fiscal year, Public Works and the Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD) develop a prioritized list of locations for each of San Francisco’s supervisorial districts. Citizen requests have one of the most significant impacts on prioritization of curb ramp locations citywide.

The estimated cost to continue the current curb ramp program is $93.7 million over the next 10 years. This need is recommended for full funding, with $80.0 million from the General Fund and the remainder from the State and Prop K funding.

PW – Curb Ramp Sub-Sidewalk Basement Program

As Public Works develops an overarching strategy to tackle the most structurally complex curb ramp locations, some planning and design work has begun for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements (over 100 confirmed locations citywide, with several more under investigation), which are significantly more challenging and expensive to address than those in the standard curb ramp program.

The estimated cost for curb ramps with sub-sidewalk basements is $88.1 million over the next 10 years, which will be addressed as funds allow from the General Fund Pay-Go Program.

PW – Street Tree Planting 
and Establishment

The Urban Forest Master Plan, Phase I: Street Trees, adopted unanimously by the Board of Supervisors, recommends growing the street tree population by planting 2,500 trees annually, in addition to trees that need to be replaced. This requires Public Works to plant approximately 6,000 trees a year.

The estimated cost for street tree planting and establishment is $325.1 million over the next 10 years. While $27.3 million has been identified through Prop K and other local sources, an unfunded need of $297.8 million remains. 

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – 
Alice Griffith/Candlestick Point Power Improvements

This project builds infrastructure for the second phase of development at Hunters Point Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and the Alice Griffith Housing Complex. The team comprised of the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure and Developer will pay to install the required infrastructure and substructure required for the new 12-kV underground electrical distribution system. The SFPUC as the electric utility provider will install the conductors in the conduits, transformers, switches, and metering equipment required for the electric distribution system.

The cost of SFPUC’s work at Alice Griffith/Candlestick Point is approximately $40.1 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – 
Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency improvements reduce facility operating costs and electric bills for customers, improve system functionality, and reduce the environmental impact of energy use. This program funds energy efficiency investments in City facilities covering the planning, design, and construction of "direct install" projects, as well as technical assistance and project assistance for departments with their own capital funds. Energy retrofits include lighting, heating and ventilation, retro-commissioning, and energy management systems projects. The SFPUC performs eight to 10 energy efficiency projects each year. The budget funds efficiency projects in municipal facilities for departments such as Police, Real Estate, Recreation and Parks, SFMTA, Yerba Buena Center, and Fine Arts. Planned funding for lighting and mechanical system efficiency upgrades are consistent with state policies that place emphasis on energy efficiency and that support greenhouse gas reduction.

The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Energy Efficiency Program is approximately $10.0 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Renewable/Generation Power

In accordance with City policies and directives to increase renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gases, Hetchy Power is continuously developing and implementing new renewable generation resources. A series is planned to include small municipal and energy development projects including solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas fuel cells, wind projects, and other renewable energy projects. The power generated from the Renewable/Generation Power projects will offset on-site power need at each project location.

The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Renewable/Generation Power Program is approximately $10.0 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Streetlights

Hetchy provides power to all of San Francisco’s 44,528 streetlights, maintains the 25,509 streetlights owned by the City, and funds the maintenance of the 19,019 streetlights owned by Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E). The Plan includes $45.1 million over 10 years for upgrades to street lighting infrastructure. Street lighting area improvements, the conversion of high voltage series loop circuits into multiple standard voltage service and Lighting Emitting Diode (LED) lighting, holiday and festivity pole use, assessments to determine the severity of pole deterioration, streetlight pole rehabilitation, and replacement of poles are all funded through this program.

The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Streetlights Program is approximately $45.1 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers

This program supports the design and construction of transmission and distribution facilities to serve new retail customers; installation of intervening facilities required under the new Wholesale Distribution Tariff; the development, administration, and incentive payments to new retail customers; and improvements to the substation at San Francisco International Airport. This project is consistent with San Francisco Administrative Code Section 99.3 establishing the SFPUC's role as the exclusive electric service provider for existing and new City facilities, and for redevelopment and development projects. The SFPUC has identified additional funding to begin buildout design for a transmission substation to serve present and future customers.

The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers is approximately $233.5 million through FY2029.

SFPUC – Treasure Island Power 
and Wastewater Improvements

On October 1, 1997, concurrent with the operational closure of the Treasure Island Naval Station, the City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy in which the City agreed to take responsibility for caretaker services on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. Through this agreement, the SFPUC provides utility operations and maintenance for the electrical, natural gas, wastewater, and stormwater systems on the Islands.

The SFPUC has developed a work plan for creating a public power utility on each of the islands. The capital projects identified are required to support the future developments’ electric load. Current planning shows that the existing electrical overhead poles, lines, and substation are adequate to serve the first phase of development. When the load approaches the design limit of the lines at approximately 10 megawatts, the lines will have to be upgraded and installed underground.

The SFPUC will provide a new tertiary two million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility for the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island service area to replace the existing aged facility. The new treatment facility will include influent screening, a combined primary/secondary treatment process, anaerobic sludge digestion, sludge dewatering and truck load-out, disinfection, odor control, and tertiary treatment.

The cost of SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $21.5 million through FY2029.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Treasure Island Improvements Program is approximately $37.0 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – 
Islais Creek Crossing

This project includes improvements to the Islais Creek crossing of the effluent pipelines and modifications to the Booster Pump Station at Islais Creek. The project primarily addresses the compromised section of the effluent discharge outfall into the San Francisco Bay.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Islais Creek Crossing Project is approximately $15.0 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – 
Ocean Beach Protection Process

This project is to develop comprehensive shoreline management and protection plan in partnership with relevant stakeholders and regulatory agencies and to establish a long-term solution to the erosion issues along Ocean Beach. This long-term solution is necessary to protect the integrity of critical wastewater assets that were planned, built, permitted, and constructed to protect public health and the environment. These assets include the Lake Merced Transport/Storage facility, the Westside Pump Station, and the Oceanside Treatment Plant, which are threatened by sea level rise and erosion at Ocean Beach.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Ocean Beach Protection Process is approximately $108.2 million through FY2029. Funding for complementary needed work on the streets and coastline are not included in this cost.

SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer System Improvement Program (SSIP) Program-Wide Efforts

The SSIP Program-Wide Management Project will support the SSIP’s overall implementation, providing condition assessments, project definition and prioritization, public outreach and education, sustainability evaluation, and general program management. The initial focus will be on scope optimization and program implementation of the $2.9 billion SSIP Phase 1 and the continued development of programmatic schedules, construction cost estimates, and rate and cash flow projections.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Sewer System Improvement Program-Wide Efforts is approximately $130.6 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – 
SSIP Sewer/Collection System

This program includes the proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project to provide system enhancements to the Channel Drainage Basin, as well as needed redundancy for the existing 66-inch Channel Force Main, hydraulic improvements to sewers and pump stations, and improvements to grey and green stormwater management infrastructure. This program also replaces existing sewers to increase hydraulic capacity, transportation/storage and combined sewer discharge structures, pump stations, and force mains.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Sewer/Collection System Program is approximately $1.3 billion through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater - SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control

This program includes work on drainage basins, green infrastructure, flood resilience, and the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program. For drainage basins, the SFPUC will build, monitor, and evaluate the effectiveness of eight green infrastructure projects to minimize stormwater impacts throughout San Francisco's eight urban watersheds. Flood resilience projects will address combined sewer flooding caused by heavy rain through capital improvements, financial incentives, Building Code amendments, options for affordable flood insurance, and enhanced coordinated storm response. Green infrastructure construction of permeable surfaces and engineers subsurface systems will sustainably augment the collection system for the management of stormwater flows. Finally, the Green Infrastructure Stormwater Management Grant Program will incentivize property owners to construct and maintain green infrastructure on large parcels. These projects will support the levels of service goals to minimize flooding, provide benefits to impacted communities, and achieve economic and environmental sustainability. Ancillary benefits may include reduced energy use (reduced pumping and treatment), potable water conservation, groundwater recharge, and improved community aesthetics.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Storm Management/Flood Control projects is approximately $704.2 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – 
SSIP Treatment Facilities

SSIP treatment facilities projects include the Bayside Biosolids (Digester) Project in southeast San Francisco; improvements to the combined sewer transport storage and near shore combined sewer discharge structures; and improvements to the liquid treatment at the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant, the North Point Wet Weather Facility, the North Shore Pump Station and associated outfalls; and improvements to the Oceanside Water Pollution Control Plant, Westside Pump Station, and Westside Force Main.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s SSIP Treatment Facilities is approximately $1.6 billion through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – Southeast Community Center Improvements

This project focuses on evaluating and improving the functional and operational reliability of the existing Southeast Community Facility by providing infrastructure improvements. The project improvements include efficiency upgrades; building envelope repairs; tenant space reconfigurations and consolidations; and structural/seismic, life safety, and accessibility upgrades.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southeast Community Center Improvements is approximately $7.0 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – Southeast Outfall Condition Assessment

The Southeast Outfall pipeline conveys treated effluent from the Southeast Plant to the San Francisco Bay.  The condition assessment will determine if the pipeline from the onshore force main to offshore outfall can provide reliable service until the offshore outfall is replaced. Funding for rehabilitation is included in the project if determined necessary by the assessment.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southwest Ocean Outfall Condition Assessment is approximately $30.8 million through FY2029.

SFPUC Wastewater – Southwest Ocean Outfall Condition Assessment & Rehabilitation

This project includes the condition assessment of the outfall and needed repairs. The facilities provide all-weather collection and treatment of flows from the west side of the City. The facilities must be monitored and maintained to ensure reliable and safe operation during all weather conditions.

The cost of SFPUC Wastewater’s Southeast Outfall Condition Assessment is approximately $32.7 million through FY2029.


Hetch Hetchy Water Supply Map
Hetch Hetchy Water Supply Map


Infrastructure + Streets: Enhancement Projects

Enhancement Projects

Project Name Description
PW – ADA Curb Ramps Program Right-of-Way Transition Plan

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires cities to develop a transition plan specifically for curb ramps. San Francisco is committed to fully improving curb ramps and providing accessible paths of travel for people with disabilities by 2026. This program installs curb ramps at sites in response to requests from the public to prioritize locations of known need.

The estimated cost to install curb ramps for the ADA Right-of-Way Transition Plan is $86 million over the next 10 years, and this need is fully funded through the General Fund.

PW – ADA Curb Ramps Program Right-of-Way Transition Plan Special Projects

As Public Works develops an overarching strategy to tackle the most structurally difficult curb ramp locations, some work has begun to address requests along the city’s pedestrian high-injury corridors. The Mayor’s Office on Disability and Public Works collaborated to identify these priority locations, which are for now budgeted separately from the Curb Ramps Transition Plan (above).

Through FY2017 $1.4 million has been budgeted for these sites, and approximately $400,000 is expected to be funded through the General Fund in FY2018.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Civic Center District Power Improvements This initiative will plan, design, and construct projects in the green energy district in the Civic Center in accordance with the partnership Memorandum of Understanding with the Clinton Global Initiative. This program includes City Hall, Davies Symphony hall, Opera House, Main Library, Public Health Headquarters, Asian Art Museum, Bill Graham Auditorium, Civic Center Garage, and the Civic Center.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Transmission and Distribution Services for Retail Customers The Capital Plan provides funding for the design and construction of transmission and distribution facilities to serve new retail customers, installation of intervening facilities required under the new Wholesale Distribution Tariff, and the development, administration, and incentive payments to new retail customers. The project will also look into the feasibility and implementation of a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, automated metering information system, and integration of both with other technologies into a possible smart grid electric system.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Energy Efficiency Energy efficiency improvements are an important component of an electric utility’s resource portfolio. These investments reduce facility operating costs and electric bills for customers, improve system functionality, and reduce the environmental impact of energy use. The Plan proposes funding for lighting and mechanical system efficiency upgrades.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – General Fund Departments Energy retrofits for San Francisco General Fund Departments include lighting, heating and ventilation, retro-commissioning, and energy management systems projects. The budget funds efficiency projects in municipal facilities for departments such as Police, Real Estate, Recreation & Parks, Muni, Yerba Buena Center, and Fine Arts departments.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Renewable/Generation Power Hetchy Power is continuously developing and implementing new renewable generation resources, including a proposed series of small municipal and energy development projects such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, biogas fuel cells, wind projects, and other renewable energy projects. The Capital Plan also funds portions of the long-term development of cost-effective, small hydroelectricity projects.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Streetlights

Hetchy provides power to all of San Francisco’s 44,528 streetlights, maintains the 25,509 streetlights owned by the City, and funds the maintenance of the 19,019 streetlights owned by PG&E. The plan funds street lighting area improvements to correct inadequate lighting and provide safer street and pedestrian friendly environment, replace insufficient lighting, and rehab and replace streetlight poles.

The Plan includes $43 million over 10 years for upgrades to street lighting infrastructure.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy Power – Treasure Island/Other Development

The SFPUC is required to provide utility operations and maintenance services at Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island for the electrical and natural gas utility systems. Current planning shows that the existing electrical overhead poles, lines, and substation are adequate to serve the first phase of development. At some point in the development, when the electric load approaches the design limit of the electric lines at approximately 10 megawatts, the lines will have to be upgraded and subsequently installed underground.

The second phase of development at Hunters Point Shipyard, Candlestick Point, and the Alice Griffith Housing Complex will require the installation of new underground 12 kV electrical distribution systems in all three areas. The SFPUC as the electric utility provider will install the conductors in the conduits, transformers, switches, and metering equipment required for the electric distribution system.

SFPUC Wastewater – Advanced Rainfall Prediction This SSIP project will provide the SFPUC with better rainfall forecasting capabilities, especially four-eight hours in advance of an event, which will be beneficial in managing wet weather flows in the combined collection system and preparing for flooding. This decision support tool will rely on the strategy and concepts for real-time control being developed under the SSIP, and represents the first step in implementing system-wide real-time control.
SFPUC Wastewater – Drainage Basins Phase 1 of this SSIP project will construct, monitor, and evaluate green infrastructure projects in each of San Francisco's eight urban watersheds to manage stormwater before it enters the combined sewer system.
SFPUC Wastewater – Flood Resilience This group of projects related to SSIP will address flooding caused by heavy rain. The Foerster Street Auxiliary and Mangels, Hearst, Detroit Sewer Replacement Project will increase the hydraulic capacity of the conbined sewer system on eight blocks in the Sunnyside Terrace neighborhood. This project will also include two raised crosswalks on Foerster Street and will mitigate the area's flood risk.
SFPUC Wastewater – Islais Creek Outfall SFPUC will provide improvements to the Southeast Water Pollution Control Plant effluent force main crossings at Islais Creek.
SFPUC Wastewater – Ocean Beach Protection Process This project will develop a comprehensive shoreline management and protection plan to establish a long-term solution to the erosion issues along Ocean Beach. This solution is necessary to protect the integrity of wastewater assets built to protect public health and the environment, including the Lake Merced Transport/Storage facility, the Westside Pump Station and the Oceanside Treatment Plant.
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer/Collection System Sewer/Collection System projects include the proposed Central Bayside System Improvement Project, providing enhancements to the Channel Drainage Basin, including needed reliability and redundance for the existing 66-inch Channel Force Main; hydraulic improvements to sewers and pump stations; and improvements to stormwater management through elements of both grey and green infrastructure. The Mariposa Dry-Weather Pump Station Improvement Project will increase the dry weather pumping capacity to accommodate additional wastewater flows from recent and planned developments in the Mission Bay, Potrero Hill, and other tributary areas near 3rd Street.
SFPUC Wastewater – Sewer System Improvement Program-Wide Efforts The SSIP Program-Wide Management Project will support the SSIP’s overall implementation, providing condition assessments, project definition and prioritization, public outreach and education, sustainability evaluation, and general program management. The initial focus will be on scope optimization and program implementation of the $2.9 billion SSIP Phase 1; and the continued development of programmatic schedules, construction cost estimates; and rates and cash flow projections for the SSIP.
SFPUC Wastewater – Facilities and Infrastructure The Wastewater Facilities and Infrastructure projects will focus on protecting the structural integrity of critical infrastructure and streamlining core operational functions. Projects include: improvements to Griffith Yard for the Collection System Division field staff; rebuilding the Southeast Community Center to fulfill SFPUC's commitment to the mitigation measure for the expansion of the Southeast Plant, and erosion control to protect existing SFPUC facilities located adjacent to Ocean Beach.
SFPUC Wastewater – Treasure Island Capital Improvement The City entered into a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Navy in which the City agreed to take responsibility for caretaker services on Treasure Island and Yerba Buena Island. The SFPUC provides utility operations and maintenance services for the wastewater and stormwater systems. This project includes $64 million for the New Wastewater Treatment Facility. A new tertiary two-million gallon per day wastewater treatment facility is proposed for the Treasure Island/Yerba Buena Island service area to replace the existing, aged facility.
SFPUC Wastewater – Treatment Facilities Treatment facilities projects for the SSIP include the Bayside Biosolids (Digester) Project which will fully replace the existing aged facilities with new ones with modern, proven, and efficient treatment technologies.


Hetch Hetchy Water Supply Map
Hetch Hetchy Water Supply Map


2022 Infrastructure + Streets: Renewal Program

10. Infrastructure + Streets

Renewal Program

The Plan proposes $1.2 billion in funding for Public Works renewal needs over the next 10 years, with $552 million coming from the General Fund, as shown in Chart 10.1. SFPUC renewal projects are not represented in this curve.

Chart 10.1
Chart 10.1

The General Fund streets and right-of-way renewal program includes street resurfacing, curb ramp inspection and repair, median maintenance, plaza inspection and repair, sidewalk inspection and repair, street structure repair, and street tree planting, establishment, and maintenance. The street resurfacing program is by far the largest of these, with a planned investment of $822 million over the next 10 years.

The SFPUC’s renewal program includes sewer replacements, pump system rehabilitations, water storage upgrades, technology infrastructure improvements, and many other projects necessary to provide for San Francisco’s water, wastewater, and power needs. As noted above, SFPUC renewal projects are not included in the Service Area renewal curve as the General Fund does not fund the Enterprise Department's projects. For more information on SFPUC renewals, please see the narrative descriptions in the following pages.

Project Name Description
PW – Curb Ramp Inspection and Repair This project complements the Curb Ramp Program (see Enhancement section below) with funding to inspect and repair detectable tiles on existing ramps.
The estimated cost for curb ramp inspection and replacement is $12 million over the next 10 years. The Plan recommends $3.5 million from the General Fund towards this need, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make
this challenging.
PW – Landscape Median Maintenance and Irrigation Repair  As San Francisco replaces more cement and concrete with green spaces, investment in maintaining these areas keeps them free of trash and promotes the health of plants. With more than 175 landscaped medians and open spaces across the city, irrigation systems require routine maintenance and repairs to prolong their useful lives and keep the landscaping in good condition. Healthy plants can also help reduce maintenance needs by out competing weeds.
The estimated cost for median maintenance is $161.2 million over the next 10 years. The Plan recommends $36.4 million from the General Fund towards this need, in addition to $36.0 million expected from the State, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make this challenging. PW has also identified an additional $38.2 million in median enhancement needs. 
PW – Plaza Inspection and Repair Program Public Works is responsible for maintaining plazas throughout the City, including Blanken Bayshore, Embarcadero, Hallidie, Harvey Milk, Justin Herman, Mechanics, Mendell, Organ Pavilion, and United Nations Plazas. These plazas require annual inspection to determine the extent of any repairs that may be required.
The estimated cost for plaza inspection and repair is $5.2 million over the next 10 years. The Plan recommends $1.5 million from the General Fund towards this need, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make this challenging. PW has also identified an additional $12.6 million in Plaza enhancement needs.
PW – Sidewalk Improvements and Repair Program  Public Works maintains sidewalks in three ways. First, the Bureau of Urban Forestry maintains sidewalks around city-maintained street trees. Second, the Bureau of Street Use and Mapping executes the Sidewalk Inspection and Repair Program; its goal is to inspect and repair every block on a 25-year cycle. Finally, the Bureau of Street Mapping has a reactive program called the Accelerated Sidewalk Abatement Program, which inspects locations based on complaints and issues notices of violation to property owners to compel them to repair their dangerous sidewalks.
The estimated cost for sidewalk improvements and repair is $53.1 million over the next 10 years. The Plan recommends $14.5 million from the General Fund towards this need, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make this challenging. An additional $24.2 million is expected from other local sources.
PW – Street Resurfacing and Reconstruction 

Public Works oversees the maintenance of 865 miles of streets. Without regular resurfacing treatments, a street could end up costing the City four times more over the course of its life cycle. San Francisco uses the industry standard rating scale called the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) to score its streets. Public Works’ goal is to achieve and maintain a PCI of 75, which is considered “good” condition, however the PCI is projected to drop to 74 during this 10-year cycle given the funding constraints posed by the COVID-19 emergency.
The estimated cost to achieve and maintain a PCI of 75 is $1 billion over the next 10 years. Funding towards this need includes $31.5 million from the 2020 Health and Recovery G.O. Bond, $60 million from FY2023 and FY2024 Certificates of Participation, $256 million from the General Fund, and $474 million from a combination of federal, state, and other local sources.

PW – Street Structure Repair

The Capital Plan provides a strategy for the maintenance and renewal of 371 street structures including retaining walls, stairs, bridges, viaducts, tunnels, underpasses, and overpasses, plus numerous guardrails throughout the City. Work performed under this program includes general maintenance and major repairs of city street structures to maintain safety, proper operations of moveable bridges, and minimize long-term renewal costs. For this Plan, two major projects in this category include the Islais Creek and 4th Street bridges. The Islais Creek Bridge Rehabilitation project will include bridge machine equipment and system repair and upgrades, bridge deck and fender system replacement, bridge painting, and other damage and corrosion repairs. Proposed work on the 4th Street Bridge may include alterations and repairs to the south approach, modifications to structural steel bridge members, realignment of light rail tracks, and adjustment of counterweights.
The estimated cost for the Islais Creek Bridge project is $102.6 million, with $11.8 million being funded by the General Fund, and $90.8 million from a Federal grant. The estimated cost for the 4th Street Bridge project is $24.6 million, with $2.8 million being funded by the General Fund, and $21.8 million from a Federal grant.
The estimated cost for other street structure maintenance is $33.2 million over the next 10 years. Given anticipated funding constraints, the Plan allocates $8.2 million from the General Fund towards this need, acknowledging that extraordinary circumstances due to COVID-19 may make this challenging. PW has also identified an additional $37.7 million in Street Structure enhancement needs. 

PW – Street Tree Maintenance and Sidewalk Repair  Public Works is responsible for maintaining approximately 125,000 street trees. Proposition E of the November 2016 ballot set aside annual funding towards this need and Public Works will have the resources to maintain street trees on an average three-to-five-year cycle, inspect all street trees annually, and make sidewalk repairs on a similar cycle.
The estimated cost for street tree maintenance and related sidewalk repair is $267.8 million over the next 10 years, of which $231.4 is funded by the General Fund through Proposition E.
SFPUC Hetch Hetchy – Water Infrastructure 

The Water Infrastructure Renewal and Replacement program will include concept, development, design, and upgrades for operating, managing, and maintaining the Hetchy Water Infrastructure. In general, this includes water facilities from Hetch Hetchy Reservoir to Alameda East. The new and upgraded systems will have increased coverage, capacity or reliability, or improve employee safety and/or operating efficiency. The Hetchy water renewal program includes continued rehabilitation to the San Joaquin Pipeline (SJPL) including evaluation and assessment of structural integrity, structural upgrade of the pipeline and other projects including pipeline cathodic protection, coating and lining. New projects in the plan include the SJPL Valve and Safety Improvement Project to extend the useful life and safety of Hetchy Water assets.
Mountain Tunnel Improvement Project includes funding the tunnel portion of the project for improvements to enhance SFPUC's ability to provide reliable, high-quality water to its customers. This portion of the project was reclassified from Joint to a Water only asset for this Capital Plan.
The cost of SFPUC’s Hetch Hetchy – Water Infrastructure renewal and replacement projects is approximately $270.9 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy – Power Infrastructure

Many Hetchy Power systems, facilities, and equipment have reached the end of their useful life. Power generation will become less reliable if upgrades are not performed.
This program includes improvements at the Hetchy Powerhouses, rehabilitation of transmission lines and distribution systems, regulatory projects, and Power Infrastructure Project Development. Projects include upgrades to the Moccasin and Kirkwood powerhouses including protection, control and monitoring systems and equipment replacement and upgrades; transmission improvements projects including replacement of insulators, switches, tower infrastructure, grounding and protection; and regulatory projects that achieve clearance mitigation, resolve clearance discrepancies, and meet regulatory requirements. These renewals increase operational efficiency and decrease unplanned outages.
The cost of SFPUC’s Hetch Hetchy – Power Infrastructure renewal and replacement projects is approximately $168.6 million through FY2031. 

SFPUC Hetch Hetchy – Water and Power Joint Infrastructure 

There are assorted SFPUC projects that will support multiple enterprises. Communications projects provide upgrades of the communication systems elements to maintain pace with the changes in technology, and to maintain overall system reliability. Upgrades to dams and reservoirs will meet the Water Levels of Service and Power Operational Objectives; funding is included for O’Shaughnessy Dam to address deficiencies of the existing outlet works system, including the drum gates and release system through to Canyon Tunnel, the Tuolumne River, and Moccasin Dam. The Mountain Tunnel project will address deterioration in the concrete lining of the tunnel for continued reliability. Roads and bridges will make replacements and improvements as recommended in condition assessment reports and road improvements program to keep up access to Hetch Hetchy Water and Power facilities. Utilities projects will maintain the power distribution system in a state of good repair consistent with utility best practices to ensure 24/7 power.
The cost of SFPUC’s Hetch Hetchy Water and Power – Joint Infrastructure renewal and replacement projects is approximately $594.2 million through FY2031. These assets are jointly funded by Water (45%) and Power (55%) sources. 

SFPUC Wastewater – Collection System/Condition Assessment Project 

There are more than 80 miles of major sewers that have been in service for 100 years or more and are at the end of their useful life. This project includes cleaning and inspection of large diameter sewers, transport/storage boxes and collection system discharge/overflow structures. The results of the inspection program will inform the Renewal and Replacement Spot Repair and Collection System Sewer Improvements Programs (SSIP), as well as the SSIP sewer repairs. This project is a part of the on-going data gathering necessary for the Wastewater Enterprise Collection Systems Asset Management Program.
The cost of SFPUC’s Collection System/Condition Assessment Project is approximately $115.1 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Wastewater – Collection System/Sewer Improvement

This program maintains the existing functionality of the sewage collection system and includes planned and emergency repairs and replacement of structurally inadequate sewers. Failure of the collection system will reduce the City’s ability to handle and dispose of wastewater and stormwater which can lead to public health, safety and environmental risks, and non-compliance with the State discharge permit. Projects are identified utilizing an asset management approach which factors in physical condition, age, location, risk, public safety, paving schedule, and other factors. This program allows for the renewal and replacement of approximately 15 miles of sewer per year.
The cost of SFPUC’s Collection System/Sewer Improvement is approximately $1.07 billion through FY2031.

SFPUC Wastewater – Collection System/Large Diameter Sewers

This is a collection of large sewer improvement projects that will rehabilitate and/or replace Large Sewers (sewers greater than 36-inches in diameter or equivalent diameter) that have the highest risk for failure. The collection of projects (or subprojects) were identified in SSIP Phase 1.
The cost of the SFPUC’s– Collection System/Large Diameter Sewer Program is approximately $379.8 million through FY 2031.

SFPUC Wastewater – Treatment Plants  The Treatment Plant Improvement program helps maintain the capacity and reliable performance of the Wastewater treatment facilities owned and operated by the Wastewater Enterprise. This is a continuing annual program to extend the useful life of Wastewater treatment assets including Transport Boxes, Discharge Structures, Pump Stations, Force Mains, Tunnels and Treatment Plants.
The projects are prioritized based upon regulatory compliance, condition assessments, operation staff recommendations, and Level of Service goals which were formally adopted as part of the SSIP. The completion of projects under the Treatment Plant Improvement program will increase reliability and efficiency of Wastewater Enterprise facilities and ensure that the performance of the treatment facilities meets the established levels of service.
The cost of SFPUC’s Treatment Plants is approximately $334.1 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Water – Local Buildings and Grounds Improvements 

Capital improvements at City Distribution Division (CDD) facilities and structures are needed. Projects include a new fueling station, yard improvements to address health and safety issues and security, a comprehensive arc flash and electrical hazard study and construction of a seismically reliable building for CDD’s communications and control systems. Additional funding is included for a new CDD Headquarters at 2000 Marin to address life safety standards for seismic events, building code requirements and facilities that are past useful life.
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Local Buildings and Grounds Improvements is approximately $346.9 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Water – Local Water Conveyance/Distribution System

This program installs, replaces, and renews distribution system pipelines and service connections for the 1,230 miles of drinking water mains in San Francisco in order to meet customer level of service goals for uninterrupted service. Increased investment is needed to improve the annual replacement rate to 15 miles per year in order to minimize main breaks. Improvements include replacement, rehabilitation, re-lining, and cathodic protection of all pipe categories to extend or renew pipeline useful life. Additional projects include the Renew Services Program, Water Loss Reduction Program, the Sunset Pipeline/Potable AWSS, Automated Water Meter Program, New Services Connection Program, and Town of Sunol Pipeline projects.
The cost of SFPUC’s Local Water Conveyance/Distribution System is approximately $610.2 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Water – Local Pump Stations The SFPUC’s 12 major water pump stations and seven hydro-pneumatic tanks need ongoing renewal and rehabilitation. This program provides long term funding for renewal and rehabilitation of the water pump stations and hydro-pneumatic tanks including the automation of the five pump suction valves at Lake Merced Pump Station
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Local Pump Stations is approximately $2.7 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Water – Local Recycled Water Projects This program includes the San Francisco Westside Enhanced Recycled Water Project, funding new facilities to generate and deliver 2 MGD of recycled water for irrigation use in the western end of San Francisco. The project includes a new recycled water treatment facility consisting of membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, and ultraviolet light disinfection; a 1.1-million-gallon storage reservoir; distribution pumping facilities; and five to six miles of new pipelines.
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Local Recycled Water Projects is approximately $4.7 million through FY2031
SFPUC Water – Local Tanks/Reservoir Improvements This program includes the renewal and rehabilitation of water storage reservoirs and tanks within the San Francisco Distribution System. Projects include improvements to the Sunset South and University Mound reservoirs and roof repairs at multiple locations to extend the useful service life of the reservoir.
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Local Tanks/Reservoir Improvements is approximately $19.1 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Water – Local Water Supply Projects  This program includes planning for local water diversification to explore alternative methods for expanding local water sources. Such sources include the Eastside Water Purification Project and Innovations for San Francisco ratepayers that highlight innovative water supplies and technologies.
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Local Water Supply Projects is approximately $7.7 million through FY2031.
SFPUC Water – Automated Meter Reading System This program addresses Automated Water Meter Program (AWMP) renewals needed through the 20-year system life (ending in 2031), and a replacement plan for the AWMP System by 2031.
The cost SFPUC’s Automated Meter Reading System Program is approximately $27.6 million through 2031.
SFPUC Water – Regional Buildings and Grounds Programs 

This program includes major improvements to the Sunol and Millbrae Yards. Sunol Yard improvements include LEED replacement facilities for maintenance shops and equipment storage, a new fueling center and administration building, re-surfacing of the yard, and demolition of six dilapidated structures. The project includes funding for the Alameda Creek Watershed Center that includes exhibits, classrooms, event space, outdoor picnic and play areas, trails, and gardens representing the watershed. Millbrae Yard improvements include a new maintenance shop, and equipment storage, demolition of a large unused abandoned building, a new parking lot, a new vehicle wash site, new laboratory, and office building to accommodate staff from the Rollins Road facility. The upgrades address occupational safety, reliability, and functional regulatory compliance.
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Regional Buildings and Grounds Programs is approximately $161.6 million through FY2031.

SFPUC Water – Regional Communications and Monitoring Program

This project will provide much needed redundant emergency communications capability and increased bandwidth for secure data transfer. Specifically, it will build a microwave backbone to link the entire SFPUC regional water system from the O’Shaughnessy Dam site in Yosemite to the rest of the SFPUC sites (San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Alameda counties).
The cost of SFPUC Water’s Regional Communications and Monitoring Program is approximately $7.7 million through FY2031.



The Hetchy Water Renewal and Replacement Program

Many Hetch Hetchy Water and Power facilities and system components are aging. Many have reached or exceeded their useful life. The condition of these facilities and equipment must be or has been assessed. Proposed projects are evaluated and prioritized based on risk (financial/criticality, safety and regulatory), efficiency of operations, and to provide a safe working environment for employees working in remote areas.


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